Episode Forty-Five

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"She is okay, right?" Johnny asked. He sat on the couch later that night, a bag of frozen peas on his shoulder. Daniel had just returned from taking Samantha to Amanda's house to stay the week. The way things were going now, she was probably safer there.

Johnny was already in his sweatpants but shirtless so he could ice his arm. Daniel decided to grab a quick shower before he readied for bed himself. It had been a long day, one he would never forget, for many reasons. But for now, he was ready to relax before the workweek started.

"She's fine. I think all that material from the dress protected her some." He grabbed fresh clothes from his bedroom and headed to the bathroom, closing the door behind him. Daniel stood under the shower for a long time. It wasn't fair that his students couldn't feel safe even out in public. It wasn't fair that Kreese could get away with this and the police did nothing. It wasn't fair that they had to constantly be looking over their shoulders, always ready for an attack. What teen wanted to live like that? How would they ever end this? Winning at All Valley would only infuriate Kreese. He would find more kids to manipulate. Brainwash a new generation of soldiers to do his bidding. This is ridiculous.

Daniel stood under the water until it turned cold and he still didn't feel any better. There's nothing you can do about it tonight. Tomorrow after work, maybe you and Johnny can brainstorm about this. There has to be a solution we haven't thought of. Once he was dressed, he plopped down on the couch beside a drowsy Johnny. The blonde looked like he could fall asleep any minute and it wasn't even eight o'clock.

"How's it feeling?" Daniel pointed at his shoulder, trying his best not to stare at Johnny's pecs, his pink nipples.

Johnny moved the bag and rotated his arm with a grimace. "Not too bad. Sore is all. I've had worse."

"I could massage it for you?"

Johnny narrowed his eyes at him and Daniel laughed.

"Come on, it could help. Don't be a baby."

"Yeah, fine."

Daniel popped up with a grin, surprised Johnny had given in so quickly. And without any homophobic slurs? Is he finally maturing some? Daniel didn't dwell on it, instead delighting in the thought that he would have free reign to touch Johnny's body. His toned, beautiful body. Hell, the thought alone had Daniel's cock stirring.

Johnny leaned forward slightly, allowing Daniel access to his shoulder as he rounded the couch. Rubbing his hands together to warm them, he didn't hesitate but dove right in. His skin was cold from the frozen peas. Daniel touched him delicately, feeling the muscles of his neck, his shoulder, upper back, and arm. He wanted to relish the feel of Johnny's skin under his fingers, wanted to explore his entire body, but now wasn't the time. Daniel began to rub his muscles, working his thumbs in, gently at first but incrementally rougher. Soon, Johnny was moaning in pleasure. The sound had Daniel's cock jumping to attention. He could feel his heartbeat speed up as Johnny rolled his neck, enjoying the massage. It was tempting, so tempting: that beautiful jaw, the curve of his ear. He wanted to kiss that neck so badly. Control yourself. He isn't ready for that. Just show him how much you care. His cock hadn't gotten the memo because it was throbbing with need. How the hell was he supposed to leave this spot with such an obvious bulge in his thin pajamas?

Daniel massaged for a good ten minutes before Johnny finally stirred. "Thanks, man."

"Sure." Daniel tried to keep his tone neutral, his voice at a reasonable volume. Meanwhile his cock was screaming to be let out to play. He sidestepped to the bathroom and shut the door quietly. Dropping his pants, he took his cock in his hand and stroked it, all the while seeing Johnny's bare chest, his abs, his back. Did the man have any idea how beautiful he was? In seconds, Daniel was cumming into his hand, his cries muffled by his fist in his mouth. Fuck, I hope he didn't hear me.

No chance of that. When he stepped back into the sitting room, Johnny was fast asleep. Daniel tucked a blanket around him, gently caressed his temple, and retired to his room. His confession would have to wait.

* * * * *

Daniel and Johnny both had the kids double down on training within the next week. Johnny's single salvation in the midst of all this turmoil was, sadly, the car commercials. Every morning, every mid afternoon, Johnny closed himself in the bathroom, massaging his dick while Daniel told him about heated seats and all-wheel drive. At least, on weekday afternoons, Johnny didn't have to run water. Sam was at school. Daniel was at work. And there were so many commercials. Daniel had over ten years of commercials on his page.

The dreams hadn't stopped either, but giving his desires free rein allowed Johnny to function each day without embarrassing himself.

It was the Thursday afternoon after the Wonder World incident where Johnny closed himself in the bathroom as he'd done for the last several days, just to calm his disobedient body. He didn't bother to lock the door.

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