Episode Forty-One

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Costumed crowds laughed and bantered between the attractions of Wonder World. A black banner with "TERROR" in all caps had been placed over the word "Wonder" on all the signs. Eerie music played from speakers, alternating from thumping bass to icy orchestral sounds. There were even some theme songs from popular horror flicks. Each attraction had been turned into something with a haunted theme, accomplished by decorations and actors.

The teens laughed and clung together as a group while Daniel and Johnny trailed behind. Sophie had also dressed as a pirate. Even Hawk showed up with Demetri and Yazmin in tow. Hawk was dressed as the Mad Hatter, with a jaunty top hat and green waistcoat. Demetri was the Tin Man and Yazmin was Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. As everyone began to split up into smaller groups to enjoy different attractions, Daniel and Johnny decided to grab lunch. Greasy hot dogs weren't Daniel's favorite, but this was a special occasion and Johnny wolfed his down in less than a minute.

"You want to ride anything? Maybe wait a bit after you ate so fast, though," Daniel said with a chuckle. But Johnny already had his eye on something else. He jerked his head towards the high striker, or strength tester as Daniel always called them. Of course.

Johnny grabbed the huge mallet, positioned his feet, and swung. Daniel was too preoccupied watching Johnny's thigh muscles, painfully obvious in those hose as they bunched, to even notice how far the puck rose. It must not have hit the bell, because Johnny immediately pouted.

"Let me give it a go," Daniel said. He took a swing and the puck flew up, only inches away from the top.

"I bet I can get it this time," Johnny practically snatched the mallet from Daniel's hands. He gave Daniel a knowing smirk and suddenly it was a competition, neither ready to give up until they both rang the bell at the top. When they finally succeeded, Johnny seemed in better spirits. His disgust with his costume apparently forgotten, he finally seemed ready to have some fun. They played the shooter games at the arcade area, once again getting competitive but in a far more friendly way than their younger selves had ever been. They joined the kids for a few rides, including a small rollercoaster that had Daniel's insides screaming. Johnny laughed the entire ride.

After a couple hours, Sam and Miguel joined up with them to catch up. Miguel and Johnny took off to get drinks while Sam and Daniel lounged on a bench.

"You having fun?" Daniel asked.

"Yeah." She frowned and looked away suddenly and Daniel knew something was up.

"What's wrong?"

"Um, is it okay if I go stay with mom this week? She's coming back from grandma's today and I wanted to spend some time with her."

"Oh, honey, of course you can. Listen, don't ever feel bad about asking." Daniel put his arm around his daughter and squeezed her close to his side. "This isn't like one of those ugly divorces on TV. Your mom and I are getting along fine and we want you guys to spend as much time with either of us as you want. You aren't betraying me or something by spending time there. We don't ever want you to see it that way."

"Okay," she said quietly. "I am really glad you guys don't hate each other now. That would make this so much harder."

"How could I ever hate the woman who gave me you?" Daniel said, nudging her chin with a fist. "You can always talk to either of us about it, okay? Anything bothering you, please open up to us. We want to be a part of your life."

Sam nodded then her eyes trailed away. Daniel followed her gaze to see Miguel and Johnny approaching, Johnny with a huge scowl on his face.

"You really like him, don't you?" Sam asked.

Daniel cleared his throat. "Well, yeah, we're friends now."

Sam lifted a brow at him. "You know what I mean."

"That obvious, huh?" Daniel said quietly. Of course Sam would notice. She had always been particularly observant when it came to others. However, Daniel wasn't ready for this conversation.

"Not to him."

The conversation ended when Miguel hurried over, laughing. "Guess who this old couple at the refreshment booth thought Sensei was? Peter Pan!"

He and Sam laughed but Johnny was not amused. "I'm a badass archer, not some flying kid. Geez, these people should get out more."

Daniel wasn't about to let some small incident ruin Johnny's mood. Standing so Miguel could sit beside Sam, he took the soda Johnny offered, took a swallow, then placed it on the bench. "Hey, come ride the ferris wheel with me."

Johnny sucked soda through his straw, his eyebrows lifting. "Seriously?"

"Yeah, I like the view up there. Come on. You guys game?" He gestured to Sam and Miguel but Sam was quick to shake her head.

"We're going to sit here for a little bit. We'll hold your drinks for you."

Miguel seemed about to protest, but Sam bumped his knee with hers and gave him a look. Johnny was oblivious to this entire exchange, his gaze already set on the ferris wheel.

"Yeah, okay. Might as well," Johnny said. He had given in far easier than Daniel had expected and when he glanced up at him, he noticed the hood to the costume couldn't hide Johnny's flushed cheeks. Is it possible the idea of being alone up there with me excites him, too? Or is that too much to hope for?

The line was short but they had to wait for the seats to come around. Daniel noticed that Johnny was tapping his thigh with one finger. Was he nervous? Bored? It frustrated Daniel not to know.

The large compartments could seat up to four and when it was finally their turn, Johnny hopped in first. Daniel knew it was too much to expect Johnny to sit beside him, but he couldn't help the flare of disappointment he felt when he was sat facing him. Johnny's eyes wandered around and there was an awkward silence as the compartment lifted off the ground.

"So, I'll probably be taking Sam to Amanda's tonight. She's back in town and Sam wants to spend the week with her."

Johnny eyed him with concern. "Everything okay there?"

"Oh, yeah. Sam and I talked about it. Everything's fine." There was a pause. "I wanted to say that I noticed how much you put into the dojo. Not just the physical work but the fact that you have brought so many new students in. You're a charismatic guy, when you want to be, and the students really respect you." Daniel wasn't sure where he was going with this. He wanted to compliment Johnny without being too obvious about it, but subtle wasn't easy for Daniel.

"Also, I found those hospital bills and I paid them off for you."

"Daniel-" Johnny started to protest but Daniel cut him off with a raised hand.

"Listen, this wasn't about pity. I don't see you as some charity case. The truth is, I still feel responsible for what happened to you. Put your pride aside and just let me do this for you. You're starting a new chapter in your life at the dojo with a clean slate. You've brought in your share of income by recruiting. We're splitting utilities so you don't owe me anything. This isn't something I would ever hold over your head. So let's just forget about it, okay?"

Johnny sat quietly, digesting the information as the ferris wheel moved them higher, his eyes on the scenery. Daniel's eyes wandered, too, taking in the sights and sounds of the amusement park. People laughing and screaming on the rides, the smell of popcorn and cotton candy, the slight breeze chilly on his face; he enjoyed it all with a smile. So far, it had been a good day with no arguments with Johnny. He hoped the rest of the afternoon and evening would prove as enjoyable.

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