Episode Seventy-One

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Johnny was exhausted and ready for the weekend that Wednesday. When he wasn't with Daniel helping sort through the ever-diminishing pile on his desk, he was on the showroom floor and the lot engaging customers, and avoiding Anoush and Louie. Amanda had been surprisingly pleasant to him, and Anoush and Louie left him alone when Amanda was around.

Since when had he needed protection from other people? Even selling cars hadn't been enough to get him in the good graces of the other men. And throwing fists was out of the question, as much as he wanted to.

He strolled on the lot, among the cars, waiting for the next customer. At least he could breathe a little easier outdoors without the other salesmen staring him down and making snide remarks about how he'd eventually fuck up or Daniel would get tired of him.

A balding head caught the sunlight, the man emerging from a row of SUVs. A world-weary woman followed him, looking for all the world like she'd rather be somewhere else.

Johnny's stomach clenched and he turned back toward the showroom; Anoush or Louie could deal with this asshole.

"Johnny!" shouted Sid. It was too late. "What're you doing here? Thought you ended up in the clink again and you didn't have the guts to ask for bail."

Johnny turned to face his old foe. This was one enemy he had absolutely no affection for. "I work here."

"Oh, hear that, Rhonda?" Sid poked a finger in Johnny's direction. "He works here now." He laughed. "Well, I knew he wasn't shopping here. Maybe if they sold roller skates."

"What kind of car are you looking to buy?" Johnny asked impatiently. The sooner he got rid of Sid, the better it would be for everyone.

"Go get me one of the salesmen, and you get back to doing whatever they have you doing, sticking price stickers on the cars or something." Sid's smile wasn't any less cruel than Johnny had remembered it.

He exhaled in relief. Now he has a reason to get one of the other guys out there to have their afternoon ruined. But as Johnny's nonexistent luck would have it, as soon as he turned toward the showroom, he spotted the two already engaged with customers.

"Looks like you're stuck with me, because they're with other customers," Johnny said, his palms slapping against his jeans in frustration. "Do you want to take that SUV for a spin?"

"They let you sell the cars?" Sid asked. "Whatever. Get me the keys."

As it turned out, Sid wanted to test drive what felt like every SUV on the lot. But he always had some problem with them. The leather seats weren't soft enough, or the power windows were too loud. He didn't like the angle at which one's sunroof opened.

Johnny had lost track of the number of vehicles he'd shown Sid. Rhonda was the one who did the driving anyway, and she quietly bore the intolerable company. Johnny hoped Sid paid her well.

Johnny turned the key in the door of a fire-engine red SUV, hoping this would be the one, when he felt a tap on his shoulder. He closed his eyes, the tension leaving his body. He knew that touch and that cologne without even turning around.

"Difficulty finding the right vehicle?" Daniel asked, turning a smile on Sid.

"Think the difficulty's more with your employee," Sid said, crossing his arms. "Boy can't even figure out what his own stepfather likes."

Now Daniel had finally met someone from Johnny's family, who would likely share the views of Daniel's family. Not that Johnny had ever wanted Daniel to meet Sid, or thought Sid was entitled to know anything at all about his life.

"So, this is Sid?" Daniel said, studying the boogeyman of Johnny's youth. After a moment, he held out his hand. "Daniel LaRusso."

"Oh, the guy from the signs and commercials," Sid said, finally placing it. If he'd thought a little harder, he might have recognized the name from Johnny's youth. No one could ever accuse Sid of thinking too much in his old age.

"So what are you looking for, Sid?" Daniel asked.

"SUV. Roomy. Easy to get into. Enough room to store a walker. Something with heated seats and all the bells and whistles," Sid replied. "Take a lesson from him, Johnny-Boy. If you don't know, ask."

Johnny bit the inside of his mouth. He wasn't going to take the bait. His heart ached for his mother suddenly. The grief had never really gone, just lingered for times like this to pounce on him. He'd lost her in 2002, not so long before he was in a coma, where the world turned and no one missed him.

"So, that fits the description of almost everything Johnny showed you," Daniel said, adjusting his jacket. "What else are you looking for?"

"Let's take this red one for a ride," Sid said, removing the keys from the door and chucking them at Rhonda.

Rhonda caught the keys before they hit her in the face and unlocked the door.

"Hey, Johnny, I got this if you want to go back to the showroom," Daniel said.

"That's right. I'm sure someone needs a cup of coffee or something, Johnny," Sid called as Rhonda helped him into the passenger seat.

"I'll be with you in a minute," Daniel called before grabbing Johnny's arm and escorting him to the rear of the SUV.

"I'm not leaving you with Sid," Johnny said.

"It won't bother me to tell him to leave." Daniel's eyes gleamed with concern.

"I can handle Sid," Johnny said. "And why shouldn't we get some of his money?"

"Fine. We'll work this sale together," Daniel said.

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