Episode Seventy-Six

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Johnny was withdrawn all the way to the dojo, and Daniel couldn't say he was any better. Even after Johnny had made that dumb deal with Kreese, Cobra Kai had gone and attacked Daniel's livelihood - Sam's way through college. It was a low blow, and possibly a financially fatal one. Who would want to get in a vehicle they suspected might be filled with centipedes?

"Daniel, let me know what I can do," Johnny said when they were side-by-side in bed.

"I don't know what anyone can do." The damage was done.

"Look, maybe I can talk to Gilmore, prevent a lawsuit from him. I know I won't be able to talk Sid out of it."

Daniel turned on his side to face Johnny, imagining Johnny taking Rhonda's role, and being constantly subjected to Sid's abuse.

Johnny shook his head. "I said I was done with him. Tonight was the end." Had they spent so much time together that they knew each other's thoughts?

"If you offered to help him, I'd kick your ass," Daniel promised.

"In the hospital room, I figured out why I've kept him in my life. Yeah, he helped me out financially, but it was always at a price. He loved lording it over me. Think I thought that maybe I deserved it somehow, maybe if I had his approval, it would mean I wasn't crap."

Johnny wasn't nearly as proud as he seemed on the surface. He'd been hurting and alone for so long. Daniel could only imagine what it cost Johnny to let him in on this secret. Daniel wouldn't dare say the way Johnny had felt was bullshit. Instead, he tried, "I'm happy you were able to walk away. I wanted to disconnect machines."

Johnny chuckled. "Me too." He cradled Daniel's cheek in his cool hand. "For the first time in over thirty-something years, I'm happy. Miyagi-Do, the students, karate, you. I don't need Kreese's approval or his approval to be happy."

Daniel held Johnny closer. "I'm so happy to hear that, Johnny." I'll love you enough now for all the time we've missed.

Mentally and physically exhausted, the two fell asleep in each item's arms.

* * * * *

Johnny was able to convince Happy Gilmore not to sue them. Surprisingly, the guy was actually very calm about the entire situation once Johnny explained it to him. He had his own surprise for Johnny during their phone conversation.

"So, this other dojo is basically trying to ruin your lives?" Happy asked.

"That's it in a nutshell," Johnny said.

"Man, that sucks. I wonder if I should mention this to the judges at All Valley. I actually sponsor the tournament."

Johnny blinked and stared at his cell in surprise before quickly putting it back to his ear.

"Really? I had no idea? A golfer into karate?"

"It's a healthy way for kids to express themselves. I had a lot of anger as a kid, so I turned to hockey. I like the idea of supporting the local dojos that help kids learn how to deal with their issues, you know?"

"If only Kreese saw it that way. He sees his students as soldiers. Guy's a whack job," Johnny said with a sigh.

"Sounds like it. But hey, don't worry about it. I think my wife was happy I broke my wrist, to be honest. She wanted me home for a few weeks and fate intervened." Happy gave a chuckle but Johnny didn't feel any better.

"Still, we're really sorry about this. You have no idea."

"No, it's cool that you took the time to call me. I appreciate that. We'll get the car thing sorted out, so rest easy. Hey, I hope your dojo kicks ass in the tournament."

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