Episode Nineteen

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Johnny was going to have to recover quickly. He didn't think he could handle much more of being treated like he was some kitten, as the one yoga mom had put it. Or was it just that? He could've sworn he felt something when Daniel was holding him. No, that couldn't be it. But Daniel had looked so flushed when he'd released Johnny. All this worrying and guilt couldn't be good for Daniel either. Johnny had been feeling strange since his talk with Regina, lightheadedness and rapid heartbeats on and off. Maybe he needed to rest. Fuck that. Maybe he just needed a good one night stand.

He could take June's invite. She'd probably be really fun. But how would that look to Regina? He wasn't interested in anything serious right now. Maybe once he cleaned up and was feeling like himself again, and had some stability in his life.

Now was a good opportunity, while Regina was speaking with Hawk and Demetri, and Blane and Kendra were chatting in the back of the convertible.

"June, hey." Johnny beckoned her over.

June frowned. "That's not a good expression. Not feeling well? Or did Regina do something?"

"Nah, she's been good," Johnny said. "She's making friends." He nodded in the direction of June's daughter, trying to ignore the growing sense of unease. "I wanted to talk to you about us."

"Us?" June's face brightened and she gave an adorable bounce.

Shit. I phrased that wrong. "I mean, I can't right now. With anyone."

"Well, I'm not looking to get married again. Ever." June giggled nervously. "So it doesn't have to be serious."

"You're one of my student's moms. I can't, June. It's not fair to her. Or you." He sighed, regretting that he didn't have those feelings for someone like June.

"So honorable," she said. "I think you're a real good man, looking out for Regina like that. I had to face the hard truth that she's not so easy to love for other people."

"Yeah, well, neither was I," Johnny said with a chuckle. "You know, some of the other kids don't pay. So, I feel bad taking your money." Why was he doing this when he needed the money? Badly.

"No, you're going to keep taking my money. This is good for her," June said, glancing in Regina's direction. "It's good to see her making friends again. And she's not sulking around the house." She gave him a half-smile. "So you were a trouble maker, too?"

"The worst," Johnny said. "I'll do my best to keep an eye on her."

"Hey." June leaned closer and cupped a hand around her mouth. "This isn't...are you and Danny? I promise I won't tell!"

"Are me and Daniel what?" he asked warily.

"A secret couple?" June asked.

"No!" Johnny staggered back a pace. Did people really think that? "We're not!"

"I just...I know he's married. But I can tell you, staying in an unhappy marriage, it sucks the life out of everything. Now I don't know how he and Amanda are personally, but there's gossip. Plus, you guys have chemistry. You'd have to be blind not to see it. Or is it more of a bromance?"

"A what?" It didn't sound like something he'd want to be involved in.

"Nevermind," June said. "But if you need someone to talk to, you know how to reach me. As a friend."

Once June summoned Regina and the other two and got in her car, Johnny gave Daniel a farewell salute and got into his POS van. He didn't want to have a long chat with Daniel, especially not after the June conversation. Did the "shining knight" even know about those pictures? Did it matter? Daniel remembered all of it clearly, after all.

* * * * *

Regina stretched out on her stomach in her very pink room. Rather than Gretchen and Karen on a call, it was Demetri and Hawk on Zoom.

The Burn Book had gotten her into a lot of trouble in the past. But this was different, wasn't it? There were people who might think it'd be a good idea to come for her, and the little place that was trying to make her feel welcome. A year ago, she'd have laughed at the idea, but considering she felt anything but welcome at school, it was a nice break.

"So, let me get this straight," Demetri said. "You're having your friend Gretchen pretend to be interested in Kreese?"

"Yeah. All she needs are some gross texts, and we put the screen shots on the Internet," Regina said. "Or find something we can use against him. People's hangups are simple to figure out. It just might take a little while. She's super busy with her college courses."

"So sexy text messages with another adult?" Hawk didn't sound impressed. "I mean, people do this all the time."

"No. She's gonna try to get at his insecurities. Like maybe he pees the bed still or something," Regina said with an eyeroll.

Hawk looked away, and Demetri said quickly, "What're you going to do with the Cobra Kai names and schools?"

"Well, let's see who we have here... Hrmm. Robby Keene..." She typed his name into social media, and scrolled to the one who lived nearest her location. "Okay, he's hot."

"He put Miguel in a coma," Demetri said.

"He's Johnny's son!" Hawk said at the same time.

"And also hot," Regina said, eyeing his pictures.

"He's also Sam's ex," Hawk said. He was probably so jealous right now.

"I'll put him aside for now." She wasn't going to screw up the budding friendship she had with Sam. Maybe Sam still liked him. "Tell me about Kyler." That was the next name on the list. "Ohhh! He's got public videos posted!" She muted the latest one she'd found, posted in the wee hours of morning from a dojo that she guessed was Cobra Kai.

He wore a grim expression as he sparred with a girl she guessed was Tory. Regina was going to leave Tory alone for the moment, too.

As she watched, Demetri and Hawk explained how Kyler was among the worst of the bullies at their school. It seemed the usual, unsubtle bullying nonsense. Some of these moves they did were pretty cool. Would Regina be able to do all that?

"He also made fun of Sam," Demetri said. "He got his ass handed to him, but..."

She'd made fun of her own friends in the past. She wasn't going to go back to doing that. She would use her evil for good.

She noted the black letters on the wall. "Strike hard. Strike first. No mercy." I'm on it!

Regina had made a burner social media account, and quickly commented on the video: "I heard you joined karate because you like to bully girls. Sadist much? Not to kink shame, but consensual is better. Just a warning to any girl thinking of dating you. Guessing you're pretty single since that video is posted at 2 AM."

Next, she moved onto Brucks. Oh, where to even start here? She settled on: "How many years did you get held back? You're like forty, right?" Beneath her post, she included links to various skincare brands.

Kyler immediately responded to her first comment. "Who the hell is this?"

"Someone who is just getting started," she replied. "Can't believe you're paying such a dinosaur for lessons. Your sensei? Total dirty old man vibes. He was creeping on my mom, even after she told him she's not interested."

"Liar!" Kyler shot back.

"Am I? Why do you think I'm here? He really scared Mom and me." This would maybe put some doubt into some parents' minds, wouldn't it?

"Regina? Yoohoo?" Demetri called.

"Check out Kyler's page," Regina said. She'd keep this up as long as she could, because each comment would help push the video to the top of people's newsfeeds. She'd probably be blocked sooner rather than later.

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