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Alright guys we have a little problem! I don't know if y/n should be pregnant! Cause some of you want her to be and some of you don't! So if you want her not to be pregnant what should happen next? And if you want her to be pregnant what should happen with the baby? Should she keep it or not? Or should Natasha and Maria take care of it? Just tell me your ideas guys! Love y'all! <3

Y/n entered our room at the ungodly hour of 3 am, jolting me awake from a deep slumber. Her voice trembled with worry as she called out, "Papa...Papa!"

Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I whispered, "Shhh, he's sleeping... What's the matter, sweetheart?"

Y/n's distress was palpable as she replied, "I'm not feeling well..."

Concern etched across my face, I urged her, "Come on, let's get you something to drink."

We made our way downstairs to the kitchen, where I fetched her a glass of water. Y/n's discomfort persisted, and I couldn't help but wonder aloud, "Are you on your period, sweetheart?"

With uncertainty in her voice, she replied, "I don't know..."

Taking a deep breath, I suggested, "Then why don't you go to the restroom and check?"

Leaning against the kitchen counter, I waited anxiously until she emerged. The worry etched on her face tore at my heart as she embraced me tightly.

Searching for answers, I gently probed, "What's wrong, my love?"

In an attempt to deflect, she responded, "It's nothing, just tired..."

Refusing to let her dismiss her feelings, I cupped her face in my hands, urging her to look into my eyes. "Please, princess, tell me what's really troubling you."

Reluctantly, she met my gaze and quickly averted her eyes. Sensing her vulnerability, I made a decision. "Let's go to bed, sweetheart."

Together, we retreated to her room, where she clung to her beloved teddy bear for comfort. As I tucked her in, I whispered, "Goodnight, princess..."

Just as I was about to leave, y/n reopened the door, her pleading eyes fixed on me. "Aren't you staying with me?"

Caught off guard by her request, I hesitated. "No, you're big enough to sleep alone..."

Desperation laced her voice as she pleaded, "Please, Papa!"

Unable to resist her plea, I returned to her side. I switched on a night light, gently stroking her hair until sleep claimed her. Leaving her door slightly ajar, I quietly retreated to my own room, where Bucky was awake, engrossed in a Rubik's Cube.

Surprised by my return, he quipped, "Since when are you awake?"

Offering an apology, I leaned in to kiss him. "Sorry, love..."

Bucky pulled me closer, his arms encircling my neck. His lips found mine, and a smile curled on my face. The moonlight cascaded upon his features, accentuating his rugged charm. I brushed a strand of hair from his face, drawing nearer to him. "You're beautiful, darling."

Feeling his hands exploring my chest, then slipping down to my hips, he teased, "I thought you weren't ready yet..."

I laughed, savoring his touch. "Let's just give it a try... I love you too much to resist."

Our connection deepened as we surrendered to the passion that enveloped us. When the intensity subsided, I found myself leaning against him, catching my breath, and planting a gentle kiss on his neck.

Breathlessly, I murmured, "I'm proud of you..."

His laughter mingled with the warm air of the room as his gaze shifted towards my bedside table. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, he playfully declared, "You know, love, you're irresistible."

I excused myself to the bathroom to freshen up, but to my surprise, Bucky followed.

Steve: "You follow me everywhere, don't you?"

Bucky smirked, stepping closer. "Hell no, Steve. Remember the little guy from Brooklyn who was too dumb to run away from a fight? Yeah, that's me. I'll follow you anywhere, love."

His words sent a shiver down my spine, igniting a spark of desire. As he kissed me, his hands traced a path over my torso, leaving a trail of tingling sensations in their wake.

Caught in the moment, I couldn't help but reciprocate his fervor. Our connection intensified, the world around us fading into insignificance. The shower's warm water cascaded over us, adding to the electrifying atmosphere.

Amidst our shared passion, I couldn't shake off the nagging concern for y/n. It weighed heavily on my mind, disrupting our intimate moment.

Breaking away slightly, I gently pressed my hand against Bucky's chest. "Buck, I think y/n is sick again..."

His expression softened, understanding the gravity of the situation. "Why do you say that?"

"She wasn't feeling well earlier, and she seemed pale," I explained, worry lacing my voice.

Bucky nodded, determination etched on his face. "We'll make sure she's taken care of in the morning, Steve. She'll be okay."

Finding solace in his reassurance, I nodded, allowing myself to trust in his words. We finished showering and dressed, ready to face the challenges of the day.

Lying side by side in bed, our bodies entwined, we exchanged whispered words of love and comfort. The night enveloped us, offering a sanctuary from the tumultuous world outside.

As our breathing synchronized, the weight of the impending dawn bore down upon us. Uncertainty loomed in the air, mingling with our shared longing.

In that moment, we found solace in each other's arms, drawing strength from the love that bound us together. Tomorrow would bring challenges and heartache, but together, we would face whatever came our way.

The night ebbed away, leaving behind an indelible memory of our connection—a bond that transcended time and hardship. And as we finally succumbed to sleep, our hearts held onto hope, praying for a brighter tomorrow, where y/n would find healing and happiness once more.

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