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~bucky pov~

I was sitting on my bed crying looking at my metal arm full of blood.

Y/n came into the room and sat down next to me.


Bucky:„o-oh hey..."

I fastly wiped my tears away and looked down.

She put a arm around me and looked at me pityingly.

I started crying and she hugged me.



Y/n:„what happened to you..."

Bucky:„the best thing about it is...that I have you!"

She smiled and I kissed her cheek.

Y/n:„im still scared of you even without the arm!"

I laughed and she wrapped her arms around me.

Bucky:„thanks doll..."

~skip to Christmas~

~y/n pov~

I walked downstairs and saw my dad's drinking a coffee.

Steve:„hi princess!'

I waved over to them and made myself a cup of tea.

As everyone was downstairs we ate together, talked a little bit and then tony came with some presents.

Tony:„so uhm...I would love to start with Barnes...I'm sorry for what happened..."

Papa opened the gift and saw a new metal arm! It was so special! It looked so cool!

Y/n:„wow! Can I touch it?!"

He giggled and passed it over to me.

After I gave it back he put it on.

Steve:„it looks great on you love!"


They kissed and everyone gave Bucky their presents.

Steve:„im not gonna give you my present yet sorry love!"

I gave him mine and he started smiling like crazy.

It was a extremely big piece of paper where I put thousands of photos on it and I made a video for him.

Bucky:„omg...thank you doll!"

He kissed me and I smiled.

After everyone got their presents even me Steve ran upstairs.

Bucky:„what is he doing?..."

I giggled and he came back downstairs.

Steve:„alright...love! You proposed to me ten years ago! Like damn...that's a lot! And I never stopped loving you! Maybe I just make a big deal out of it...but you mean the world to me!"

Bucky got tears and kissed him.

Bucky:„i won't stop loving you..."

Steve:„now...here's your gift!"

He opened it and saw a white kitty.

Bucky:„omg alpine!"

Steve giggled and Bucky kissed him again.

Steve:„y/n...we adopted you ten years ago! And we will never leave you or stop loving you! You are so important to us! We just couldn't live without you!"

Y/n:„awww thanks dad..."

I got tears and hugged them.

Bucky;„alright Steve...I have a gift for you too...it's nothing special..."

Steve:„everything is special from you!"

He pulled out 10 red roses and gave it over to him.

Bucky:„to clarify this thing...I booked a hotel for 2 nights! just for us alone...so we will go on a wellness vacation!"

Steve:„omg! That's so sweet from you! Thanks honey!"

They kissed and we all started talking and eating.

Bucky was holding alpine the whole night until they put me to bed.

Y/n:„thanks...for everything!"

Bucky:„we love you...goodnight!"

~steve pov~

We gave y/n a kiss and walked into our room.

God...he looks so stunning...



Bucky:„wanna go to bed?"

I nodded and we laid down.

I stroked over his chest and put some kisses on his neck.

Bucky:„what do you understand under wanna go to bed?"

I started kissing him sloppy and he giggled.

Steve:„why are you giggling now?'

He pulled me up and pressed his lips against mine.

Bucky:„love you!"

Steve:„love you more..."

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