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I find myself teetering on the edge of despair, falling down the treacherous rabbit hole of depression. The elusive feeling of happiness seems out of reach, leaving me trapped in a web of worries. Frustration fuels my anger, and I'm overwhelmed by sadness.

Abruptly, the car came to a halt, surrounded by a dense forest. My fathers stepped out, their escalating argument evident through Steve's aggressive hand gestures and Bucky's tense expression.

Even without hearing their words, I sensed the intensity. Steve violently tore off his sunglasses, shattering them on the ground. Uncertain if their argument was directed at me, I locked the car doors. To my dismay, they both turned their gaze toward me and approached the vehicle.

"Open the door!" Steve demanded, his voice laced with urgency.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I shook my head, refusing to comply.

"Is it because we argued a little? Y/n, we promise we won't fight! Open the door now!" Bucky pleaded, his face etched with concern.

Once again, I denied their request, tears streaming down my cheeks.

"OPEN THE DOOR!" Steve shouted, his frustration reverberating as his hand slammed against the car window. I flinched, retreating further into my seat.

Bucky intervened, his voice firm, "Stop shouting at her!"

Eventually, they both settled in front of the car on the road, waiting for me to open up. Stranded without their phones inside the car, they couldn't even call for help.

As darkness enveloped the surroundings, I mustered the courage to unlock the car and step outside. They turned around, their eyes fixed on me.

"Are you okay?" Bucky asked, his tone gentle and caring.

A wave of confusion washed over me. They weren't going to yell at me?

With tears still glistening in my eyes and trembling with vulnerability, I nodded.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry for shouting at you and, well, you know," Steve apologized, remorse coloring his voice.

I nodded again, unsure how to respond. When Bucky opened his arms, offering a comforting embrace, I hesitated and instead turned away, retreating back into the car.

They followed suit, retrieving food and drinks from their belongings.

"I'm not hungry," I mumbled, lying down on the backseat, sniffling.

"Just one bite... please!" Steve pleaded, attempting to coax me into eating.

I shook my head, declining their offer, and covered myself with the thin blanket they provided, wearing Steve's brown leather jacket for warmth.

I woke up at 1 am, feeling groggy and drenched in sweat. As I slowly opened my eyes, I could hear faint music playing in the distance. Curiosity piqued, I mustered the strength to get out of the car, cautious not to wake my dads, and followed the sound.

The music led me to a group of teenagers, approximately my age or slightly older. Uncertain and a bit shy, I approached them.

"Who are you, and what do you want here?" one of the girls interrogated me with a hint of suspicion.

Startled, I took a step back, then gathered my courage to answer, "Sorry... I overheard the music and wanted to see who you are. I'm Y/n."

The girl introduced herself as Lucie, offering a warm welcome. She invited me to join them, prompting my hesitant nod, all the while aware of the potential consequences if my fathers were to wake up.

The night took an unexpected turn, spiraling into chaos. We started by listening to music, engaging in casual conversation. Soon, beer made its way into our hands, and we danced exuberantly. And then, someone produced a pack of cigarettes.

"Take one!" Lucie urged, holding out a cigarette.

"I can't... my dads," I began, but Lucie interrupted me.

"Don't be such a coward! Come on, take one! It's bad enough having two dads!"

Reluctantly, I reached out and accepted the cigarette. As the night progressed, fueled by alcohol and smoke, they revealed a small bag containing white powder.

"I really can't, guys. The last time I did something like this, my dads..." I trailed off, my voice laden with concern.

"Well, you must choose between two options," one of the boys chimed in with a mischievous grin. "Sex or drugs! Or both!"

What happened next would prove to be the epitome of recklessness and poor judgment.

Stucky's daughter 2Where stories live. Discover now