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As I attempted to stand up, a sudden wave of dizziness swept over me, and I realized that someone had surreptitiously given me something other than my usual drugs. My nose began to bleed, and I stumbled towards the road, seeking a way back to the tents.

The boy, seemingly curious about my sudden departure, inquired, "Where are you going, hm?"

Struggling to communicate, I managed to respond weakly, "Back... I..."

The words escaped me as I found it increasingly difficult to speak; everything felt strange and disorienting.

Lucie, seeing my condition, offered, "I'll bring you back."

Fighting against the unsettling sensations, I lay back down in my tent and eventually drifted off to sleep, only to awaken later to my dads, Bucky and Steve, conversing nearby.

"Bucky, come here for a sec! She's sweating like crazy," Steve remarked, sounding concerned.

Apprehensively, Bucky observed, "It's not even that hot in here. Maybe we should consider going back home?"

The reality hit me hard, realizing that they were unaware of my recent actions, of the substances I had been experimenting with behind their backs. Guilt weighed heavily on me as I met their eyes.

Opening my eyes, I saw them offering me a bottle of water, oblivious to the true nature of my condition.

Bucky then suddenly got an idea: maybe it's because of the drugs cause she hadn't taken them in a few days!"

I felt bad...I didn't wanna do those things behind their backs.

"Alright, let's wait until tomorrow," Steve decided, and Bucky nodded in agreement, both unaware of the actual cause of my weakness.

As we walked back to collect branches for a fire, my strength waned, and I collapsed, letting everything fall to the ground.

"Y/n? Are you okay?" Steve's voice was filled with concern as he questioned my well-being.

Nodding, I picked up the branches and mustered the strength to walk back to the tents. But the weight of my secret and the impact of the substances began to disconnect us, turning what was once a joyful bonding experience into a strange and unfamiliar dynamic.

With my dads now asleep, Lucie and the boy returned, coaxing me to join them despite my protests of feeling unwell.

"I'm feeling sick... I can't," I whispered, trying to resist their persuasion.

The boy, unwilling to take no for an answer, threatened, "I'm gonna scream! So come on!"

Feeling trapped, I relented and walked with them to the fireplace.

"Decide!" he demanded, as if I had any real control over the situation.

Struggling to make a choice, I hesitated before uttering, "Nothing."

For the first time, I found the strength to resist the temptation of the drugs, determined not to succumb to their allure this time.

Seemingly unfazed by my decision, the boy approached me with a smirk, remarking, "Oh, you're gonna love this!"

Despite my inner resistance, the effects of the substances clouded my judgment, and I found myself giving in to his advances. We were kissing and cause of the drugs I've taken I wasn't thinking what could happen. He pulled my shirt up and even if I was scared we didn't stop.

In the midst of this compromising situation, a sudden flashlight shone into my eyes, revealing my dads standing there in disbelief and shock.

"Y/n?!" Steve's voice rang out, filled with both concern and disappointment.

Reacting instinctively, I pushed the boy away, my heart pounding in my chest, knowing that my actions had betrayed their trust.

Fueled by a father's fierce protectiveness, Bucky demanded, "What the hell is going on here?"

The boy, seemingly indifferent to the gravity of the situation, remarked casually, "Is that Captain America? Or am I just really high?"

Bucky's expression hardened as he retorted, "HIGH?!"

In that moment, time seemed to freeze, the truth laid bare before us. The facade I had maintained had crumbled, and I could no longer hide the reality of my actions. The struggle to regain my parents' trust had just begun, and I knew it would be an uphill battle, fraught with remorse and the challenge of rebuilding what had been lost.

Stucky's daughter 2Where stories live. Discover now