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Steve: "Buck... it's negative!"

Bucky let out a heavy exhale, and a sense of immense relief washed over me. The weight on my shoulders began to lift, and tears of joy streamed down my face. In that moment, Bucky held me tighter, providing a safe haven for my emotions.

Bucky: "Hey... doll, why are you crying?"

Y/n: "I'm... I'm happy...Happy that it's not what we feared."

Nat: "I'm sorry, guys. I just wanted to be sure..."

Steve: "No need to apologize, Nat. We appreciate your concern."

We found ourselves embracing in a tight group hug, a collective release of pent-up anxiety, and the embrace of newfound hope. Slowly, we made our way back to the living room, our emotions still raw but more manageable.

Y/n: "Daddy, could you take me over to Jack's house? I want to pay him a visit."

Jack had been a supportive presence, checking in on me since I returned home. His concern deserved acknowledgment, and I felt compelled to see him in person.

Steve: "Sure, let's go."

We arrived at Jack's house, but as I knocked on the door, silence greeted me. Curiosity led me to the backyard, where a group of guys were engaged in some sort of game.

Y/n: "What's happening here?"

Guy: "They're in the midst of a spirited bet."

Y/n: "A bet? On what, exactly?"

Guy: "Well, Jack claims he can be the first to win y/n's affections. And take her virginity!"

Y/n: "I'm Y/n! Jack, this is beyond outrageous!"

Jack, taken aback by my presence, attempted to approach me, but my reflexes kicked in, and I swiftly slapped his advances away. Filled with a mixture of hurt and anger, I turned on my heel and sprinted back to where my dad patiently waited in the car. Steve's concerned gaze met mine, and without a word, he drove us home.

As we pulled up to the house, I stormed inside, slamming the door shut, desperate to escape the sting of betrayal. Bucky followed closely behind, concern etched on his face, eager to understand.

Bucky: "Whoa, whoa! What just happened back there?"

Y/n: "Nothing!" I snapped, my voice quivering with a mix of frustration and sadness.

Overwhelmed by emotions, I raced upstairs, seeking solace in the confines of my room. Collapsing onto the bed, I clutched my pillow tightly, hoping to find comfort in its familiar embrace. A few moments later, my dad entered the room, his footsteps heavy with worry.

Steve hurried over, gently prying the pillow from my grasp, and drew me into his arms, cradling my head against his chest. Bucky joined us, encircling me with his presence, a united front of love and protection.

Bucky: "Come on, Y/n, talk to us. We're here for you."

Y/n: "You don't understand... None of you do!" My voice wavered, choked by tears.

Bucky: "Listen, doll, your dad and I have been through a lot. We'll do our best to understand. Just give us a chance."

Y/n: "Fine... You want to know? Did Dad ever stoop so low as to make a bet, disregarding the fact that you had been through such a traumatic experience?"

Bucky: "He did what?"

Overwhelmed by my emotions, I buried my face in the pillow once again, attempting to stifle my cries. Steve gently removed the pillow and set it aside, wanting me to face the situation directly. As my tears continued to flow, I mustered the strength to raise my gaze, meeting the concerned eyes of both Steve and Bucky.

Steve's POV

Y/n's tears subsided momentarily, and I gently guided her to lie down on the bed. I exchanged a worried glance with Bucky before making my way downstairs with him, needing a moment to process the gravity of what had just been revealed.

Steve: "This boy is dead to me."

Bucky: "He was never alive to me, Steve. How could he betray our daughter like that?"

Just as we settled into the weight of our anger and disappointment, a knock at the door interrupted our thoughts. I opened it to find Jack standing there, a mix of remorse and anxiety etched across his face.

Jack: "Hey... um, is Y/n here?"

Steve: "No, she's not."

Jack: "I messed up... I need to apologize."

Bucky: "Apologies won't fix what you've done. She was assaulted, and all you can think about is this?"

Jack: "I know, and I'm truly sorry. Please, just let me talk to her."

Steve: "No. We've made it clear that she doesn't want to see you right now. It's best if you leave."

Bucky firmly closed the door, cutting off any further attempts from Jack. With a heavy sigh, we made our way back to the living room, sinking onto the couch, our minds filled with worry and concern for our daughter.

Steve: "I can't stand seeing her in pain."

Bucky: "What if we ask her what she wants to do? We can make time for her."

Steve: "We have some important meetings this week, Buck. It's complicated."

Bucky: "Her well-being should be our top priority. She's been crying every day, suffering. These meetings can wait."

Steve: "I know, but these discussions hold significance too."

Bucky: "More significant than our daughter's happiness? We never seem to have time for her, Steve. We can't let that continue."

Steve: "I understand, Buck. We'll talk to her tomorrow. We'll find a way to be there for her."

Bucky: "Good. She deserves to know she's not alone."

The weight of our responsibilities felt heavy upon our shoulders, but deep down, we both knew that our daughter's emotional well-being should never take a backseat. Tomorrow, we would prioritize her, ensuring she felt supported and loved through this difficult time.

Together, we sat on the couch, our minds filled with determination to make things right for Y/n. We might not have had all the answers, but we were determined to be there for her, to provide the support she desperately needed.

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