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As I prepared to hide the medication, I heard y/n whimpering in her sleep. Concern washed over me, and I hurried to her side, whispering soothing words, "Oh, baby... shhhh, it's just a dream..."

Once her whimpering subsided, I pressed a tender kiss to her forehead and quietly exited the room, my heart heavy with worry. Bucky, waiting anxiously, inquired, "You hid them?"

Nodding in confirmation, I pulled him close, my lips seeking his in a desperate, passionate kiss. It was a way to anchor ourselves to the present moment, to find solace in each other's arms.

Bucky, a hint of confusion in his voice, asked, "What was that for?"

A bittersweet smile tugged at my lips as I replied, "I'm just so happy..."

A soft chuckle escaped him, his eyes filled with affection. "Yeah... me too," he whispered.

Laughter filled the air as we leaned in for another tender kiss, caught up in the overwhelming emotions that flooded our hearts. Tony's playful voice broke through the moment, "Get yourself a room, guys!"

Bucky laughed, his head burying into my chest, seeking comfort in our shared love. With a mischievous glint in my eyes, I playfully closed the door, blocking out Tony's teasing.

One thing led to another, passion and desire intertwining, until finally, exhaustion claimed us both. Sweaty but content, I found myself falling asleep atop Bucky, our bodies entwined in a warm embrace.

After a few hours, I stirred from my slumber, vaguely aware of Bucky's movements. His tender kiss on my cheek roused me fully, and I blinked my eyes open, gazing into his loving eyes.

"Mmm... you were great, honey," he murmured, his voice filled with adoration.

A soft smile formed on my lips as I replied, "You too... I guess we needed that..."

His chuckle resonated through the room, a sound of warmth and contentment. "Guess I'm gonna take a shower now, hm? Wanna join?" Bucky's voice held a hint of playfulness.

A chuckle escaped me as I teased, "Will I ever say no?"

He countered with a smirk, "Hm, maybe!"

Together, we shared a shower, finding comfort and solace in each other's presence. As we stepped out, towel-clad and freshly changed, my thoughts drifted to y/n. Concern gnawed at my heart, and I felt compelled to check on her.

Leaving Bucky for a moment, I made my way to y/n's room. She stirred as I entered, her voice filled with sleep-tinged vulnerability, "Dad..."

"Hmm?" I responded, my voice gentle with concern.

Her words carried a hint of desperation, "Where are my pills? I can't sleep without them..."

My heart ached at her plea, but I knew I had to stay strong. "You don't need them, sweetheart. These aren't pills to help you fall asleep," I explained, my voice tinged with sadness.

Frustration crept into her voice, "But they helped me..."

With determination, I reiterated, "Maybe something else will help you. Going out for a walk? Having a soothing drink... I don't know..."

Desperation etched her face as she pleaded, "Just give me the pills, please... just one!"

Gently, I cupped her face, meeting her tear-filled gaze. "Honey, no," I whispered, my voice laden with a mixture of love and concern.

Her voice cracked as she questioned, "Why?!"

I tried to maintain my resolve, my heart breaking for her, "I told you... they're not sleeping pills."

An idea sparked within her, her desperation growing. "Then give me sleeping pills, please!"

My heart wrenched, torn between wanting to ease her suffering and protect her from the dangers of dependency. With a heavy sigh, I offered an alternative, "Y/n, no... c'mon, let's go out for a run or a walk!"

She stubbornly refused, determined to find a quick fix. "No! I'm going to ask Bruce if he has some pills!"

Before she could leave the room, I gently grasped her arm, desperation seeping into my voice. In that moment, I knew that some things remained unchanged, no matter how hard we tried.

"Y/n, I don't want to start this again," I pleaded, my voice tinged with pain. "Just change, and we'll go out. I... I promise, if you can't fall asleep after that, I'll get you some pills."

With a reluctant nod, she agreed and changed her clothes. As we prepared to go outside, she remained distant, ignoring me throughout. Frustration welled within me, and I sought to salvage our time together by suggesting ideas, desperate for connection.

"Y/n, what do you want to eat for dinner?" I ventured, hoping to spark a conversation.

She merely shrugged her shoulders her indifference piercing my heart. Undeterred, I tried another approach. "Maybe we could watch a movie tonight, hm?" I suggested, hoping to find a shared moment of joy.

But her response was a solemn shake of her head, a clear rejection of any semblance of normalcy. A heavy sigh escaped me as I racked my brain for another idea, anything to bridge the growing chasm between us.

In a last-ditch effort to connect, I reached out and pulled her into a hug, hoping that the warmth of our embrace would rekindle the bond we once shared. Instead, she pushed me away, her eyes filled with frustration and anger.

"Leave me alone... you're so annoying!" she lashed out, her words cutting through the air like knives.

I stood there, hurt and bewildered, as she continued to walk away, her pace quickening. "Y/n!" I called after her, desperation creeping into my voice, but she paid me no mind.

And then it happened in an instant, an unforeseen tragedy that shattered our fragile existence. Oblivious to her surroundings, she stepped onto the road without caution. My heart stopped as I saw a car hurtling towards her, a horrifying collision about to occur.

Instinct took over, and without a second thought, I lunged forward, pushing her out of harm's way. The screeching of tires filled the air, and time seemed to stand still as I watched the car come to a halt.

~y/n pov~

"Dad!" I cried out, a mixture of disbelief and despair trembling in my voice. The shock of the moment overwhelmed me, and I crumpled to the ground, my tears falling freely. Guilt washed over me, consuming me with its relentless grip.

As I knelt beside my father, my voice filled with remorse, I could barely find the words. "No... nononono! I'm so sorry!" I sobbed, my voice trembling with anguish.

The driver, burdened by remorse, approached hesitantly, attempting to apologize. But my grief and anger engulfed me, and I lashed out, unleashing the full force of my pain upon them. "Get the fuck away from my dad!" I spat, my voice raw with anger and sorrow.

With trembling hands, I fumbled for my broken phone, desperate to reach out for help. "Dad... he... the car!" I managed to choke out, my voice shaking with desperation.

Bucky, his voice a mixture of concern and confusion, questioned, "What? Y/n, what's going on?"

My words spilled out in a torrent of devastation, my voice filled with tears and grief. "He rescued me! Dad is dead! Help... please..."

Tears streamed down my face as I tried to make the call, but the shattered screen and my trembling fingers only added to my frustration. The enormity of the loss settled upon me, threatening to consume me entirely

This was the idea from rose81408 so thank you! ❤️❤️

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