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In the morning, my fathers paid me another visit. I had just received my pills, leaving me too weak to even sit up. Fatigue consumed me, and a heavy sense of tiredness settled deep within my bones.

"Hey," Bucky's voice called out softly.

I voiced my reluctance, "I don't want to take them..."

Steve, understanding the necessity, replied, "Oh, we know... but you must."

Steve helped me sit up, his gentle touch soothing my weary body. I confessed, "They make me feel weird..."

Curiosity flickered in Steve's eyes as he inquired, "What do you mean?"

I struggled to find the right words, shrugging my shoulders in response. Bucky, sensing my unease, quietly exited the room, his concern etched on his face.

With a tender gesture, Steve assured me, "We got you something!"

I mustered a half-hearted response, "Hm...?"

Dad pulled out a book and handed it to me, his eyes gleaming with anticipation. Confusion mingled with my exhaustion as I asked, "What is that?"

"Just open it... we had intended to give it to you when you got back home, but since you're bored in here..." Steve's voice held warmth and a touch of sadness.

I opened the book, revealing a treasure trove of photographs capturing moments from my life, alongside the Avengers, my fathers, and Mia. Gratitude welled up within me, and I whispered, "Thank you..."

Steve embraced me, his hug radiating love and comfort. Turning to the next page, my heart sank, and I closed the book, my eyes meeting Steve's gaze.

"Yes?" Steve's voice held a gentle concern.

A surge of uncertainty flooded over me. Should I confide in him? We had just started rebuilding our relationship... In the end, my fear and hesitation got the better of me. I diverted the conversation, "Uh, I'm thirsty. Can you get me another cup of water, please?"

Steve, always caring and attentive, readily agreed, "Sure!"

Sighing deeply, I watched as Papa entered the room, his presence offering a small sense of solace. Bucky's worried tone broke through the silence, "Where's Daddy?"

Wanting to shield them from the weight on my heart, I reassured them, "He's getting me a cup of water..."

Bucky's gaze locked with mine, searching for reassurance, "You okay?"

Summoning a smile, despite the heavy truth weighing me down, I replied, "Yeah... thanks for the book!"

Bucky's love shone through his eyes as he said, "No problem, baby!"

When Steve returned, handing me the cup of water, I realized that I wasn't actually thirsty. My intention wasn't to quench my thirst but to speak my truth. Nevertheless, I remained silent, burying the secret deeper within me. Sensing my inner turmoil, Bucky urgently called out, "Steve, we need to talk right now!"

Steve, fully aware of the urgency, reassured me, "Y/n, we'll be right back!"

I watched them leave, their conversation fading into the distance.

Steve's heart pounded with a mix of anger and concern. "What's going on?" he demanded, his voice edged with urgency.

Bucky's words struck like a blow. "They are giving her antidepressant medication!" he revealed, the weight of disbelief evident in his voice.

Steve's brows furrowed in disbelief. "What?" he exclaimed, his voice filled with a combination of shock and outrage. "They didn't even ask us if it was okay?"

Determined to confront the situation head-on, Steve reassured Bucky, "I'm going to talk to the doctors, alright? Just stay with y/n. I think something's seriously wrong here."

As Steve stormed towards the doctors, his anger rising, he couldn't help but question his impulsive decision. Perhaps he should have allowed Bucky to handle the confrontation, his instincts usually more level-headed in such situations.

Frustration boiled within him as he engaged in a heated argument with the medical staff. The anger coursing through his veins pushed him to the brink, and in a moment of passionate fury, he declared that i would not stay in this place any longer.

Returning to the room, Steve's eyes fell upon the heart-wrenching sight of y/n sobbing on Bucky's lap. Concern etched across his face, he questioned, "What happened?"

Bucky's voice held a tinge of sadness as he whispered, "Migraine..."

The weight of their shared pain and the injustice they faced pierced Steve's heart, fueling his determination to protect me at any cost

Tears cascaded down my cheeks, seeking solace in Bucky's comforting lap.

Steve's determination surfaced as he swiftly packed my things, his resolve unwavering. He gently lifted me into his arms, and we made our way to the car, leaving the confines of the institution that had held me captive.

Confusion clouded Bucky's expression, and he questioned, "Steve, what's going on?"

Steve's voice carried a mix of anger and determination, "She won't stay here! They won't stop giving her the pills, and I can't accept that!"

I buried my face into Steve's shoulder, seeking solace in his unwavering love and protection. As we arrived home, Bucky carried me upstairs while Steve prepared a comforting cup of tea and placed a warm water bottle by my side.

Downstairs, Nat's voice rang out with joy, "She's back!"

Relief washed over me as Steve replied, "Yes... she's back."

Nat approached Steve, enveloping him in a tight hug, a bittersweet smile gracing her face. "I'm happy for you guys," she said softly.

Gratitude filled my heart, and tears of thankfulness sparkled in my eyes. I whispered softly, "Thanks, Nat..."

In the quiet of the night, with my head throbbing relentlessly, sleep evaded me. My anguish spilled forth, a sense of hopelessness settling in. Steve's voice, filled with love and reassurance, broke through the darkness, "Come on... it will be fine. Just close your eyes... it will be over soon."

Exhaustion finally overpowered me, and I surrendered to sleep's embrace. Meanwhile, downstairs, conversations unfolded, heavy with unspoken worries and shared concern.

Nat's empathetic voice broke the silence, "And?"

Bucky's response, laden with sorrow, reached my ears, "Migraine attack."

Tony's words acknowledged the significance of our reunion, "You must be happy that she's back..."

Steve's voice, brimming with gratitude, resonated through the room, "Yes... I mean, you can't imagine how elated I am."

Hours passed as they conversed, the weight of the situation lingering in the air. Suddenly, the sound of footsteps on the stairs interrupted the stillness.

I stumbled down the stairs, my head still pounding with pain. Weakly, I murmured, "My head hurts..."

Bucky's voice, filled with affection, greeted me, "Oh, hey, mini soldier..."

Through a veil of agony, I whispered, "It won't stop..."

Steve, his concern evident, asked, "Have you eaten anything today?"

Shaking my head, I silently admitted the truth. Determined to ease my pain, Steve prepared a warm bowl of soup. After nourishing myself, Bucky and Steve guided me back to bed, their love providing a sanctuary against the relentless throbbing in my head.

Bucky's mind churned with thoughts as he spoke aloud, "Maybe it's from the antidepressant medication..."

Steve's voice mirrored Bucky's concerns, "I've been thinking the same thing."

A surge of conviction welled up within Bucky as he declared, "She shouldn't take those pills!"

Steve's resolve solidified, his protective instincts flaring, "I'm going to hide them."

United in their determination, they embarked on a mission to shield me from the pills that threatened to cast a shadow over my true self.

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