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I awoke at 10 am to find Bucky fully engrossed in his ongoing battle with the stubborn Rubik's Cube, his determination shining through.

Steve: "Still grappling with that confounding puzzle, huh?"

Bucky smirked, never one to back down from a challenge. "Mhm, this thing's got a mind of its own."

With our morning routines completed, we made our way to y/n's room, where Bucky took the lead, while I leaned nonchalantly against the door frame, exuding an air of relaxed authority.

Bucky approached y/n's bed, employing his signature charm to gently coax her out of slumber.

Bucky: "Doll, it's time to rise and shine!"

Y/n mumbled drowsily, attempting to burrow deeper into the warm embrace of her cozy blanket. Undeterred, Bucky deftly whisked it away, his persistence unwavering, and assisted y/n in sitting up.

Bucky: "Come on, sweetheart. The morning's slipping away, and it's already 10 am."

Y/n groaned, her reluctance evident, not quite ready to face the world just yet.

Y/n: "I don't wanna get up."

Bucky, the master of persuasion, unfurled his secret weapon, using his most persuasive tone.

Bucky: "Daddy's making a special batch of pancakes just for you."

A spark of delight illuminated y/n's eyes, casting aside her earlier reluctance.

Y/n: "Hmm, okay then!"

With newfound motivation, she gracefully extricated herself from the comfort of her bed, and I headed downstairs to fulfill her pancake cravings.

Steve: "Princess, what delectable pancake creation would you like this morning?"

Y/n's face lit up, her eyes dancing with anticipation.

Y/n: "Chocolate chip pancakes, please! The extra indulgence."

As I deftly mixed the batter, I couldn't help but notice y/n's little fingers covertly snatching a handful of chocolate chips, yielding to the irresistible temptation.

Meanwhile, Bucky, ever the attentive provider, planned to venture out and pick up the necessary supplies. However, Natasha had other ideas.

Nat: "Apologies, Buck, but I'll take care of the shopping today."

Bucky raised a quizzical eyebrow, intrigued by her sudden enthusiasm.

Bucky: "And why's that, Nat?"

Nat: "Just in the mood for a little outing, that's all."

Bucky shrugged, granting her the green light, and the three of us settled down to enjoy a delightful breakfast. Afterward, we nestled in to watch a movie, with Natasha embarking on her shopping expedition.

Shifting the perspective to y/n:

Cocooned in the warmth of my dads' embrace, my mind wandered, detached from the unfolding movie before us. Lost in my own musings, I scarcely registered the on-screen events.

Nat: "I'm back!"

My dads greeted Natasha's return, their voices filled with warmth, while Bucky busied himself with unpacking the groceries, efficiently arranging items within the welcoming embrace of the refrigerator.

Nat: "Y/n, come with me!"

Curiosity piqued, I followed her into her room, where she revealed a small box, carefully extracted from her shopping bag.

Nat: "I hope you're aware of the contents of this little package."

Y/n: "Nat, seriously? Yeah, I'm well aware it's a pregnancy test."

Nat: "Exactly."

Y/n: "But you can't possibly be pregnant!"

Nat interjected firmly, her voice carrying an air of resoluteness.

Nat: "It's for you, y/n."

Y/n: "Why?"

Nat: "Because you've been feeling unwell, going through so much, and... because of what happened to you."

Y/n: "No! I'm not going through with this!"

Nat: "Just hear me out! We don't have to involve your dads in this."

Our voices rose in a passionate exchange, the room crackling with tension, until the sound of approaching footsteps silenced us abruptly. My dads entered the room, their concerned expressions casting a shadow over the scene.

Steve: "What's going on here?"

Caught off guard, I quickly concealed the test behind my back, averting my gaze downward, hoping to evade their piercing scrutiny.

Y/n: "Nothing... it's nothing."

Bucky, however, possessed an uncanny ability to detect falsehood. He stepped forward, his piercing eyes narrowing as he zeroed in on my furtive actions.

Bucky: "What are you hiding behind your back, dolly? Show me."

In one swift motion, he plucked the test from my grasp, his gaze fixed intently upon it, studying its implications.

Steve: "What the hell is that?!"

The atmosphere in the room grew tense as my secret was laid bare.

Nat: "It's a pregnancy test."

Bucky: "Why the hell would you have this, y/n?!"

Y/n: "It's Natasha's! She bought it!"

Steve: "Enough with the lies! Y/n, you need to take this test. We need to know."

Bucky: "Go, y/n. Take the test."

Resigned, I retreated to the bathroom, my heart pounding in my chest. Trembling, I followed their instructions, awaiting the verdict that would determine the course of our lives.

30 minutes later

Bucky: "Doll, come out of the bathroom."

I remained seated on the edge of the bathtub, my hands clasped together tightly, fear and anticipation mingling within me.

Steve: "Y/n, are you okay in there? What does the test say?"

Steve's voice seeped through the closed bathroom door, his concern palpable.

After a moment of silent contemplation, I summoned the courage to face the truth. Slowly, I rose from my perch, my footsteps echoing against the cold tiles, as I unlocked the door and stepped out.

Bucky: "Well?"

Tears welled up in my eyes, emotions overwhelming me, and Bucky instinctively enveloped me in a comforting embrace.

Steve, his voice filled with both anxiety and tenderness, ventured toward the bathroom, determined to discover the truth.

Steve: "And... what does it say?"

The room fell into a hushed silence, pregnant with anticipation, as Steve's eyes scanned the test result, his expression a mix of trepidation and hope.

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