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Bucky: "Y/n loves us and needs us, Steve!"

Steve: "Yeah, I get it, but Tony needs our help too!"

Bucky: "Steve, Tony isn't our kid!"

Steve: "Buck, it's our job as parents! Every parent has to go to work!"

Bucky: "But we're always so busy!"

Steve: "Let's not fight again, okay?"

Bucky: "But I won't go to that meeting! I want to spend time with our daughter!"

Steve: "Buck, we have responsibilities at work!"

Bucky: "I don't care! Y/n is the most important thing in my life!"

Steve: "James, you're coming to work with me!"

Y/n's POV

I heard my dads arguing again, so I covered myself with a blanket and tried to fall asleep. But then I heard something else—moaning.

Steve's POV

It all happened so quickly! I pushed him against the bedroom door and kissed him... and one thing led to another.

After we finished, I went to the bathroom to change. Then I went into Y/n's room and sat on her bed.

Steve: "Princess, are you asleep?"

Y/n: "Yes..."

Steve: "Are you still feeling sad?"

She nodded and pulled the blanket down.

Bucky's POV

I was lying on the floor, trying to process what had just happened. But a couple of minutes later, I entered Y/n's room. She was talking to Steve.

Steve: "I'm gonna make some food!"

She nodded, and he went downstairs.

Bucky: "Hey, baby doll!"

Y/n: "Hey..."

Bucky: "Do you wanna do something fun tomorrow?"

Y/n: "But don't you have to work?"

Bucky: "No, I'm not going!"

Y/n: "What about Dad?"

Bucky: "He wants to go to work..."

Y/n: "But he never has time for us..."

Bucky: "Don't worry..."

I went downstairs to find Steve cooking.

Bucky: "Steve, we need to talk."

Steve: "What's wrong, honey?"

Bucky: "It's about Y/n... She wants you to come with us!"

Steve: "I have to go to work!"

Bucky: "Steve, Y/n is our child!"

Steve: "I know, but I still need to help Tony!"

Bucky: "No—"

Steve: "We've already discussed this, Buck! Do you understand?"

I nodded, and he came up to me, giving me a kiss.

Steve: "Alright then."

He went back to cooking, and we all sat down to eat.

Y/n: "Dad...?"

Steve: "Hmm?"

Y/n: "Can't you come sit with us and eat?"

Steve: "No, I have work to do!"

Bucky: "Steven Grant Rogers! Sit down now!"

Steve: "I have to work, Buck!"

Bucky: "You can still eat with us!"

Suddenly, Loki walked into the room with Thor.

Loki: "Hey, Y/n!"

Y/n: "Hey, troublemaker!"

Loki: "Hey! That's my nickname for you!"

Y/n giggled and hugged him.

Loki sat down next to her, and they started talking. Meanwhile, I stood up and walked over to Steve.

Bucky: "Stevie... Take a break!"

I hugged him from behind and planted a kiss on his neck.

Steve: "I really need to go through these papers!"

Bucky: "Darling, come on. You need a break!"

He stood up and sat on my lap on the couch.

Bucky: "Stevie, please. Just a short break."

I held him close, trying to convey my genuine concern.

Steve: "I understand, Buck, but these tasks are pressing."

Bucky: "I know work is important, but our family is important too. Y/n needs us."

Steve sighed, his brows furrowing with the weight of his responsibilities.

Steve: "I promise, Buck, I'll make it up to her. I'll find a way to spend quality time with Y/n."

Bucky: "It's not just about finding time, Steve. It's about being present."

I glanced over at Y/n, who was engrossed in her conversation with Loki and Thor. They seemed to be enjoying themselves, but I couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing.

Bucky: "Look at her, Steve. She longs for our attention. We can't keep letting work consume us."

Steve: "You're right, Buck. I've been so caught up in my duties that I've neglected the most important duty of all—being a father."

Bucky: "It's never too late to make a change, Steve. Y/n deserves to have both of us by her side, not just physically, but emotionally too."

Steve took a deep breath, contemplating the weight of our words. His eyes softened with realization.

Steve: "You're absolutely right, Buck. Starting from tomorrow, we'll make it a point to spend quality time with Y/n, no matter how busy we are."

A spark of hope ignited within me as Steve made that commitment. We both knew it wouldn't be easy, but we were determined to prioritize our family.

Bucky: "Thank you, Steve. Y/n will be overjoyed."

Steve smiled warmly, his love for our daughter shining through.

Steve: "Let's make sure she grows up knowing how loved she truly is."

We returned to the gathering, joining Y/n, Loki, and Thor. The room was filled with laughter and conversations, and for the first time in a while, I felt a sense of peace settle over our family.

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