463 13 3

~y/n pov~

I woke up an hour later with a bad headache.

I walked downstairs but each step made the headache worse.

Bucky:„hey what's wrong doll?'

Y/n:„please...just don't talk..."


Y/n:„i have a headache..."

Bucky:„very bad?"

I nodded and sat down on the couch.

Steve:„we will cook something for you."

Y/n:„im not hungry to be honest..."


Y/n:„no really...I feel sick!"


Somehow I felt asleep and as I woke up I felt that my headache got worse.

Bucky:„hey we made you a tea and a soup!"

Y/n:„please...be quite..."


Y/n:„i don't know..."

He gave me a pill and put a cold cloth behind my neck.

Morgan:„what's wrong?"


Bucky:„let's put you upstairs ok?"

He helped me upstairs, laid me down, opened the windows and closed the curtains.

Bucky:„dad will bring you the tea a coke and water! I will be here in a minute!"

Steve came and gave me these things and after an minute Bucky came too with food.

Bucky:„you must eat something! Just eat it when you wake up ok?"

I nodded and they walked out.

i couldn't fall asleep so i went outside to lay on the grass.

half an hour later i felt a hand on my arm

bucky:"It's just me...come on let's go in!"

He helped me up and brought me back to my room where Steve was sitting on a chair.

steve:"come on i want to measure your heart rate!"

I sat down on his lap and he started taking my heart rate.

steve: "buck write it down,, I need to tell it Bruce!"

After 10 minutes we had a total of six different numbers.

bucky:"so at the beginning she had 111, then 68, 59, 142, 90 and now she has 105!"

steve:"pulse fluctuations...if the migraines don't get better, we'll go to bruce! I'm going to talk to him now! and y/n you go to sleep!"

He walked out an Bucky put a blanket around me.

Bucky:„do you need something?"

I shook my head and pulled the blanket over it.

Y/n:„can you stay with me?"

Bucky:„you really need to rest! I will come and look after you! Ok? Love you!"

I nodded and he walked out.

I couldn't fall asleep so I took a shower and staid in there until my dad's came into the room to look after me.

Steve:„y/n...open up!"


I opened the door and walked out.

Bucky:„were you crying?"

Y/n:„no...i took a shower...why...?"

Bucky:„your mascara is all over your face..."

He wiped it away with a wet cloth and I laid down on my bed.

Steve:„princess...do you need something?"

I shook my head and tried to fell asleep.

Steve:„we will be downstairs, if you need something!"

I felt asleep and woke up at 6 pm.

As I walked downstairs everyone was sitting there and talking.

Bucky:„feeling better mini soldier?"

I shook my head and sat down on the couch.

Steve:„i will get you some pills!"

After I took them Morgan came downstairs and started laughing loudly.

Thor wasn't quite either, he was screaming around.

Y/n:„please...just shut the fuck up...."


Y/n:„they should shut up!"

Bucky:„guys please be a little bit more quite!"

Steve:„let's get you upstairs!"

I sat down on my couch and started doing something on my phone until my dad's came into my room again at 10 pm.

Steve:„alright y/n...time to go to sleep!"


Steve:„wait...can I take a look at your ankles first?please!'

I nodded and he looked at them.

After they walked out, I went into the garden and felt asleep there.

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