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Tony Stark leaned against the sleek, modern countertop, his tone weary but concerned. "Hey, what's up?"

I sighed, my blue eyes clouded with worry. "Well, we need a little bit of help with y/n..."

Tony's brow furrowed. "What happened?"

Bucky chimed in, his voice heavy with a mix of frustration and sorrow. "She took drugs again..."

Tony's face grew somber, his lips forming a tight line. "Guys, I know we've tried various approaches, but maybe it's time to consider something drastic. Send her to the RAFT. It might be the only option left."

My expression was pained as I voiced my concern. "She will hate us..."

Tony shook his head, his eyes holding a glint of determination. "She won't, Steve. She's your kid."

Emotions swirled in the room like a tempestuous storm, and a heavy silence settled in. Bucky, understanding the weight of the situation, reached out to comfort me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders as I fought back tears.

Tony's voice was firm, determined. "When she wakes up, we must talk to her! Oh, and Steve, if you're scared to tell her, I can."

I nodded, feeling the weight of his hand on my shoulder, a silent reassurance.

Bucky chimed in, his tone caring yet practical. "We should go take some rest, huh?"

My voice quivered, holding a mix of reluctance and worry. "I want to stay here..."

Bucky's response was gentle yet firm, a touch of tenderness in his words. "No, baby, she needs her rest, and you do too."

My desperation was palpable, my words filled with aching vulnerability. "I just don't wanna go to sleep. Anything but sleeping. Please."

Bucky's understanding was evident as he nodded, acknowledging my pain. Together, we made our way upstairs.

Bucky's voice held a touch of suggestion, a gentle attempt to bring comfort. "Wanna watch a movie? Or we could take a bath, or—"

Interrupting his words, I silenced him with a soft kiss on the nape of his neck, his warmth against my lips. He turned to face me, his hands slipping behind my back, a connection between us.

His voice, a mix of surprise and anticipation, carried a hint of uncertainty. "Steve..."

I hushed him with a soothing whisper. "Shhh... just be quiet."

With deliberate slowness, I lowered his trousers, my cold hands brushing against his thighs.

Bucky's surprise turned into a playful embrace, his energy contagious as he leapt into my arms, landing us both on our bed.

He gushed with emotion, his words a declaration of love and longing. "Oh, baby, how much I love you!"

As our bodies intertwined on the bed, a fragile yet powerful connection enveloped us. Bucky's fingers traced delicate patterns across my skin, each touch conveying a message of understanding and support.

In the end i was laying on top of Bucky. His soft hands brushing over my now warm body. The room was bathed in a soft, melancholic glow, the weight of the world resting on our shoulders. Outside, rain tapped against the windows like a somber symphony, echoing the complex emotions that tugged at our hearts.

Bucky's voice carried a mixture of affection and concern. "Steve, we can't carry this burden alone. We're a team, remember?"

I gazed into his eyes, the depth of our shared experiences reflecting back at me. "I know, Bucky. But seeing her like that, it's tearing me apart."

He held me tighter, a silent promise etched in his embrace. "We'll face it together, just like we always have."

The minutes slipped by, our quiet moments speaking louder than words ever could. Bucky's warmth against my skin provided solace, a reminder that amidst the chaos, there was a haven of understanding and love.

Eventually, the weight of exhaustion began to settle in. Bucky's voice was a soft murmur against my ear. "Stevie, let go. Sleep can be a respite, a chance to heal."

I closed my eyes, allowing his words to wash over me. In the embrace of his arms, I found a sense of peace I hadn't realized I'd been craving. As sleep finally claimed me, the echoes of our conversations and the promise of a new day lingered in the air, mingling with the bittersweet symphony of raindrops outside.

Stucky's daughter 2Where stories live. Discover now