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~y/n pov~

I walked downstairs where the avengers were doing some stuff.

Peter:„hey y/n!'

Y/n:„hey...uhm Patrick?"

Peter:„p-peter...p-peter Parker!"

Y/n:„yeah sorry..."

It was a very long embarrassing moment in-between.

Y/n:„so did we really watched titanic about ten times?"

He chuckled and nodded.

~bucky pov~

I saw y/n talking to Peter.

Steve wanted water so I gave it to him.

Steve;„thank you darling!'

He kissed me and drank it.

Y/n:„me and p-pa-peter wanna watch titanic!"

Bucky:„have fun!"

They walked upstairs and started watching.

Bucky:„she will remember him!"

Steve:„of course!"

We sat down to the avengers and started talking about some stuff.

After we ate dinner I went upstairs.

At 10 pm I was waiting in our room on our bed until Steve came upstairs.

As I wanted to kiss him he dodged and sat me down on the bed.

Steve:„buck...I need to tell you something..."

Bucky:„what? You still mad at me?"

I asked and chuckled.

Steve:„i mean it James! Don't laugh!"

I stopped and looked at him.

Steve:„james...i uhm...i thought it would be easier to tell you but it isn't...uhm i-"

Bucky:„just tell me!"

Steve:„i-i I love you but...please I need a brake! I need to think about it...I-"

My heart just broke into many little pieces and I felt my eyes filling with tears.

Bucky:„tell me honestly...do you still love me the same?"

Steve shrugged his shoulders and I teared up more.

The first tear dropped down from my eye and he looked down at me.

I felt like a little kid, embarrassed...like someone would take his favourite toy away...

Bucky:„please don't do this to me!"


I let out a whine, and y/n opened the door.

Y/n:„what's going on?"


Bucky:„please Steve...please! Please don't! Please I need you! Steve...?"

I saw a tear in his eye and y/n looked at us.

Y/n:„you are breaking up?!"


Steve:„im gonna go sorry buck!"

He hugged me for a short second and walked out.

I felt to my knees crying and y/n ran after him.

After a minute I stood up and ran downstairs too.

Bucky:„s-steve! Please stay! I need you!"

I sobbed and tried to talk as loud as possible.

Never ever had I cried so much like right now!

Y/n:„dad! Please don't...you will ruin everything!"

She started sobbing too and tried to pull him back.

Tony:„what's happening?!"

Steve:„i don't love him anymore!"

I felt my body shaking and felt to my knees again Infront of him.

Bucky:„steven Steven Steven! Please listen to me! Please I don't wanna give it up! Please! Steve we know eachother since 1920! We know eachother since kindergarden! Steven ple-please..."

I took his hand but he pulled away.

Steve:„i loved you! And I really wanna say thank you for these years..."

I teared up and started crying like a little kid Infront of everyone.

My eyes were burning and I couldn't feel my body anymore.

I wanted to pull him into a hug and cry as I always did but he pushed me aside.



She cried out and wanted to pull him away but he told her to go upstairs.

Bucky:„i did nothing to you Steve! Please...please stay..."

I cried even more and he walked out.

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