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Bruce's voice cut through the tense air, a blend of urgency and caution as he stated, "MDMA... not good. Alright, let's get her onto the examination table."

With utmost care, we positioned y/n onto the table. Bruce's concentration was unwavering as he conducted a battery of tests and meticulously monitored her vital signs. Bucky and I stood as silent sentinels nearby, our anxiety building with each passing moment, watching her vulnerability laid bare.

Bucky's voice trembled with concern, mirroring the apprehension in his eyes, "How bad is it, Bruce?"

Bruce's reply was measured, the weight of his responsibility evident in his tone, "It's difficult to ascertain just yet. MDMA's impact on the body is wide-ranging, and our first priority is ensuring her stability."

As hours slipped away, Bruce's determination never wavered. The lab was a tense symphony of beeping medical devices and whispered exchanges between Bucky and me, our worried glances speaking volumes.

Finally, Bruce stepped back, his expression etched with a mix of relief and solemnity, "She's stable for now, but the road to recovery will be a long one. While I've managed to mitigate some immediate effects, the danger is far from over."

My voice was a blend of concern and urgency as I directed my attention to Bruce, "Can we see her?"

Bruce's response was an unexpected detour, "First, I need a word with you."

Following Bruce out of the room, bucky took a seat by y/n's side, his gaze fixed on her sleeping form.

Bruce's voice was laced with urgency as he spoke to me, "You need to step in, Steve! She's putting herself in perilous territory! Are you aware of the fatalities linked to ecstasy? Do you grasp the gravity?"

My voice carried a heavy burden of emotion, a mixture of frustration and worry, "Bruce, I know exactly what it is! We're terrified too, alright? Bucky and I could've lost her tonight! Don't think for a second we're ignorant of the risks. We've tried everything we can think of, but nothing's working!"

Acknowledging his earlier fervor, Bruce's nod signaled a shared understanding that Bucky and I had exhausted our efforts.

My voice was soft, brimming with an unspoken ache as we walked back over to the love of my life and our kid "Hey, princess, it's time to wake up. We're here."

Y/n's eyelids fluttered open, her gaze unfocused as she struggled to comprehend her surroundings.

Y/n's voice was a whisper, laden with both apology and confusion, "Dad?"

My words carried a blend of relief and reproach, "Yeah, it's us. You scared us half to death, you know."

I managed a faint smile through my own turmoil, a solitary tear tracing its path down my cheek.

Y/n's apology was heartfelt, the fragility of her voice almost haunting, "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to."

Bucky's voice held a mixture of reassurance and concern, a gentle anchor for her fragile state, "Just focus on getting better, alright? We're here for you."

Y/n's response was faint, a soft murmur that spoke volumes, "Mhm..."

As she slipped back into the realm of sleep, little did she know that she wouldn't remember the whole conversation at all and it would be our priority to talk to her.

Tony, drawn by the weight of the situation, had descended the stairs. His voice, a blend of sarcasm and genuine concern, cut through the atmosphere, "Well, well, well... Looks like the gang's all here. Need a hand, Banner?"

Bruce's eyes met Tony's, the unspoken camaraderie between the two geniuses evident, "Actually, Tony, your expertise could be quite useful right now."

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