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Kid:„im Julia! You will need a backpack so put water in it and something to eat!"

I ran upstairs, put a water bottle into my backpack and everything I would need to run away! I mean...I wouldn't stop trying!

Julia:„y)n! Come on! The boys are waiting!'

I ran out and we walked over to the others.

Julia:„this is Benjamin, Chester and William."

Y/n:„hi...im y/n!"

Chester:„alright let's go!"

We started walking and they even asked me a few questions about new York and the avengers.

Y/n:„so you know a lot about me now...and you know I have a home so I will just go and you will tell them that my dad's picked me up! Ok? Please!"

They looked at me and then started laughing really hard.

Y/n:„what...what what's so funny?'

William:„you think we would let you go?"

Y/n:„i uhm I...yes! I mean these people are crazy! Please...you don't know how hard it is without my dad's!"


Y/n;„yeah! I don't have a mom! I have two dad's!"

Benjamin:„so they're married?"

Y/n:„yeah! Why?"

Benjamin:„because we don't accept these LGBTQ people in here!"

Y/n:„Good! Cause I'm their daughter! I respect them and accept it so let me go home!"

Chester:„you wish!"


I took my things and started running back down.

Julia:„y/n stop!"

She wanted to run after me but I wanted to make it home this time and started running even faster.

~steve pov~

We were laying in bed the whole day just looking at our phones...

Steve:„Bucky ...maybe we could go out for a walk!'


Steve:„or we could clean the house a bit!"

Bucky;„yeah we could ..."

Steve:„Bucky ...hey what's going on?"

Bucky:„what's going on? Steve! Y/n is somewhere and we don't know anything! We don't know what they're gonna do to her!"

Steve:„i know...I start to think that it was a bad idea..."


He sniffled and started stroking over alpines head.

Steve:„so...what are we-"

Bucky:„give me a break...please..."


He turned around and hugged me! That was the first time since y/n wasn't here...

Steve:„it's ok Bucky...I'm here!"

We kissed and again felt asleep.

~y/n pov~

I was running for my life but as I tripped and looked up I saw all of the kids standing in front of me.

Y/n:„what? How? You weren't even following me-"

Julia:„we live here! We know how to get here faster than you!'

I stood up and wanted to run away again but they pulled me back.

Y/n:„why don't you just let me go?! I didn't do anything bad!"

Chester:„because we respect our family's and George and Mary always do that! We-"

Y/n:„what?! Always?"

Benjamin:„well it's none of your business!"

Y/n:„i don't wanna go with you!'

Julia:„you really won't stop right?"


Julia:„alright y/n...run this way until you see some houses! Then you will hide in the nearest stable! Well and at midnight you will just run!'

Y/n:„thank you Julia! Thank you thank you thank you!"

I started running and hid in the stable like she told me too.

I waited but suddenly the door burst open.

I stayed quite but after he walked out I ran into another stable cause I was scared that they would find me.

Stucky's daughter 2Where stories live. Discover now