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As the morning sun cast its gentle glow upon our campsite, my dad returned from his invigorating run and decided to take my temperature. To his surprise, there was no fever detected, prompting him to suggest, "Hmm... you have no fever, but perhaps it's because you haven't eaten anything."

"Mhm," I replied absentmindedly, unable to shake the lingering sense of unease that hung in the air between us. It felt as though we were mere strangers, despite the shared history that should have bound us together.

Papa pulled out the tents, and together we assembled them, relieved at the prospect of not having to spend another night cramped inside the car.

After a simple meal, we ventured out for a little walk and tried to play some games, but the atmosphere remained oddly tense and distant.

As midnight approached, both my dads succumbed to sleep, leaving me alone in my thoughts. Just as I was about to seek solace in slumber, I heard soft footsteps outside my tent. My heart raced as the tent flap was pulled open, revealing the familiar faces of Lucie and the boy from the day before.

"Come with us!" the boy beckoned, a hint of excitement in his voice, as he brandished a beer bottle and cigarettes.

I shook my head vehemently, wary of the repercussions that could follow. "Shh, my dads are asleep," I whispered, hoping they'd reconsider and leave me be.

But the boy persisted, his eagerness undeterred. "Come on, it'll be fun!" Lucie chimed in, adding to the pressure.

"I don't wanna," I protested softly, feeling like an unwilling pawn in their dangerous game.

"You must!" The boy's voice grew firm, leaving me feeling cornered and unsure of how to escape the situation.

With a heavy sigh of resignation, I finally gave in, following them to where the others were gathered. There, an ominous fire illuminated their faces as they indulged in the white substance, their laughter echoing into the night.

Around the flickering flames, they all approached me, their presence overwhelming. The boy taunted me once more, repeating the haunting choice that had haunted me before: "You can decide again! Sex or drugs! What's it gonna be this time?"

"Nothing," I declared, desperately trying to hold onto my values and self-worth.

Undeterred, the boy suggested, "Well, maybe instead of drugs like last time, it'll be sex? Come on, it'll be fun! Right, Lucie?"

"I don't wanna," I reiterated, my voice quivering with fear and uncertainty.

But the weight of their expectations proved unbearable, and I succumbed to the relentless pressure, my resolve crumbling like sand beneath their force. "Ugh," I groaned, feeling a familiar sense of despair wash over me.

As the drugs coursed through my veins, I felt an unsettling mix of emotions. It wasn't the freeing sensation I had experienced before. Instead, it felt like a suffocating burden, a numbing escape from the mounting struggles that had been plaguing me.

I felt the weight of unresolved conflicts with my dads, the grief from losing Mia, and my own struggles with self-harm, all crushing down on me like a tidal wave. The temporary relief the drugs offered only masked the pain, leaving me feeling even more lost and isolated in my own world.

In that moment, surrounded by dancing shadows and hazy laughter, the gulf between me and my dads felt insurmountable, and the loneliness consumed me. I yearned for genuine connection and understanding, but it seemed like an unattainable dream, slipping further away with each passing moment.

As I stared into the flames, my heart ached with a profound sadness, knowing that despite the familiarity of the faces around me, I was lost in a dark abyss, searching for a way back to myself.


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