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Bucky: "Why is the door locked? Please open up, honey."

Y/n: "No... No, I don't want to hurt you."

Bucky: "Darling, you won't hurt me. Please, trust me and open the door."

My trembling hand reached under the bed, concealing the knife, as I made my way into the bathroom. Time seemed to stretch as I waited, my arm dripping with crimson, until the bleeding finally subsided.

Bucky: "Y/n! Open up! The doctor called me."

I opened the door, my tear-stained face burying itself in Bucky's embrace, seeking solace in his presence.

Bucky: "Y/n..."

Y/n: "What did the doctor say?"

Bucky: "He woke up... and they asked if we would like to visit him."

A fragile nod escaped my lips, and I hastily changed into more comfortable attire, the weight of worry still bearing down upon my shoulders. Together, we embarked on the somber journey to the hospital.

Steve POV

As Bucky walked into the room, he greeted me with a tender kiss.

Steve: "Hey..."

Bucky: "Hey."

Steve: "Where's y/n...?"

I followed Bucky's gaze and caught sight of y/n, standing at a distance, tears streaming down her face.

Steve: "I'm deeply concerned about her..."

Bucky: "Perhaps it's the medication's effect?"

Steve: "Possibly... Once I'm discharged, we'll talk to her. Please, bring y/n in."

Bucky: "I tried, but she refuses. She doesn't want to cause you any distress."

Steve: "Cause me distress? What...?"

Bucky: "She believes it's her fault, the entire accident."

Steve: "Tell me you've been taking care of her and haven't left her alone, vulnerable to her own despair..."

Bucky: "No, I've been by her side constantly. I've never left her."

Steve: "Please, bring her in..."

Bucky left the room, engaging in conversation with y/n outside. Despite his efforts, she repeatedly shook her head, tears flowing uncontrollably as she attempted to withdraw her hand from Bucky's grasp.

Bucky: "Stevie, I'm sorry, but she refuses... It has nothing to do with you. She's just-"

Steve: "I understand, Buck..."

Bucky: "Hey, when you're discharged, you can come home with us. Maybe tomorrow. What would you like to do?"

A faint smile graced my lips, and I contemplated the possibilities of the future.

Steve: "Hmm... I have a few ideas..."

Bucky chuckled, pressing a tender kiss to my forehead.

Bucky: "I'm relieved to see you doing well."

Steve: "But she's not... Just look at her..."

Bucky: "Steve, I'll talk to her, alright? But for now, you need rest."

Bucky gently caressed my arm, preparing to leave the room.

Steve: "Darling..."

Bucky: "Y-yes?"

Steve: "You forgot something."

I drew him into a passionate kiss, eliciting a chuckle from him once we parted.

Bucky: "Ah... I nearly forgot!"

Steve: "Please, assure y/n that it's not her fault..."

Bucky: "I will... See you tomorrow."

y/n POV

Papa exited the room, and I sank into the seat of the car.

Bucky: "Can we talk, y/n?"

Y/n: "Hmm...?"

Bucky: "It's not your fault, darling!"

Y/n: "But-"

Bucky: "No, there are no 'buts' in this situation. You mustn't continue to hide from Dad out of fear of causing him pain."

Y/n: "It was my fault..."

Bucky: "Absolutely not! Accidents happen, y/n. It's not your fault. Dad is returning home tomorrow, and I hope you won't shy away or ignore him."

Hot tears streamed down my cheeks, and Bucky let out a heavy sigh, overwhelmed by the weight of my sorrow.

Bucky: "Y/n..."

Y/n: "No... You're right. I'm sorry... I won't hide from him."

Bucky: "Alright... We love you, alright? Never forget that."

Y/n: "I love you too."

Hello guys, first of all I wanna apologize that I haven't updated in a month I think? And the other thing is I wanted to ask when you want the book to end. I have to admit that I have already written the ending, but I just wanted to know if you are still interested in the book or if I should start writing a new one.
If yes just tell me what you wanna read! Love you ❤️

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