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He started eating his ice and I looked at the table.

Steve:„you know as my mom took us here?"

He looked up and nodded.

Bucky:„i remember this place...we always ran around until you couldn't breathe..."

He mumbled and I chuckled.

Steve:„yeah...that's right!"

After he ate his ice we went out for a little walk.

We walked along a little River where we used to swim around but it was too cold now.

We didn't talk until we arrived at our old apartment.

Bucky:„our apartment..."

I looked over to him and smiled briefly.

Steve:„we just don't have a key..."

He kicked a stone aside and gave me the key.

I opened it and saw a big cloud of dust!

you couldn't see anything, only the outlines of the windows, which were covered with cardboard, but you could still see through the small gaps.

bucky walked in and saw our old couch.

he wanted to sit on it but I pulled him back.

steve;"this is breaking in! it's over 70 years old!"

bucky: "oh yeah..."

we walked through the small 3 room apartment and i saw my old bed.

Bucky stayed in his room and sat down on the floor.

steve:"what's the matter my love?"

he showed me a small model airplane and i smiled.

steve:"i gave you this for your...seventh birthday, didn't i?"

he nodded and put it in his pocket.

Bucky: "I must have forgotten it when I moved out..."

he also opened his wardrobe where the door felt apart right away and i started laughing.

He saw one of his old uniforms there and pulled it out.


I laughed and saw that it had many holes.

steve:"come on leave it here, it's completely dirty and has holes in it!"

he looked disappointed down at the uniform laying in front of him and then we went out.

We walked back to the car and sat down.

Steve:„i hope you liked it..."


I kissed the top of his head.

As we arrived at home y/n jumped into my arms crying.

Steve:„what's wrong princess?"

She showed me her hand and I saw that she burned herself badly.

Steve:„put it under the water!"

Bucky picked her up and brought her into the kitchen.

After she calmed down I put a salve on it and kissed her cheek.

Steve;„how did it happen?'

Y/n:„i tried to cook mc n cheese...for you..."

Steve:„for us?"

She nodded and looked down.

~y/n pov~

Bucky:„why for us?"

Y/n:„you seemed stressed but it isn't working so well with a broken arm..."

Steve:„we really appreciate it princess! But please don't do things with your hands when we aren't around! I don't want you to hurt yourself!"

A shiver went down my body and I nodded.


He bandaged it and wiped my tears away.

Bucky:„it tastes great!'

He came into the bathroom with the MC n cheese.


I saw that he was crying allot...his eyes were still swollen and red.

How could he still stay so positive?

Y/n:„are you ok?"

He nodded and smiled.

~steve pov~

I put y/n to bed and saw that Bucky was following me everywhere.

Steve;„wanna go to sleep?"

He nodded and we walked into our room.

Steve;„night love..."

He cuddled up with me and I felt asleep.


I couldn't fell asleep and staid up the whole night until 6 am.

Stucky's daughter 2Where stories live. Discover now