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~y/n pov~

I had a nightmare...

It was horrible! I saw a little kid, hiding in the high grass.

I got scared as I suddenly heard a man shouting after me.

He ran towards me...towards the little girl!

I started running away and so did the little girl crying.

The men pushed her down to the floor and she started apologizing but he still didn't stop hitting her.

As I looked closer I saw that it was my real dad...so the little girl...must have been me!

I never knew that, that ever happened to me.

I wanted to push him away but then I saw that they couldn't see, hear or touch me.

His gun was laying on the ground, suddenly he took it and shot into the air.

I screamed and woke up.


Noone answered so I walked downstairs, took a glass and drank a bit of water.

As I wanted to go upstairs I felt a hand on my shoulder and I jumped up screaming.


Bucky:„hey shhhh...it's just us!"

He pulled me into a hug crying.

Suddenly tony came downstairs with his Ironman suit.

Tony:„let her out!"

It was dark, he didn't saw us and started shooting around.

I heard a bullet landing on my dad's metal arm.

Bucky got aggressive, let me out and jumped up on Tony.

Steve:„buck let him go!"

Tony stopped shooting around and let him go.

~steves pov~

y/n was clutching me tight and about to cry.

I let her go and ran over to where Bucky was lying on the ground.

steve: "hey buck! wake up!"

Tony dumped ice cold water on him and Bucky immediately jumped up.

His metal arm was completely demolished and I saw fear in his eyes.

Steve:„buck...you ok?'

He nodded and I put y/n to bed while he walked upstairs.

As I walked back into our room I saw him trying to put his arm down.

I helped him and placed it on our sink.

Steve:„are you really ok?'

He nodded and sighed.

Bucky:„look at my arm...I can't go downstairs without it..."

Steve:„why not?'

Bucky:„they are gonna make fun of me..."

Steve:„they won't!"

Bucky:„of course they will..."

He put a blanket over his head and started mumbling something.

Steve:„but you know that you can't put it back on!"

Bucky:„why not?"

Steve;„it will maybe cut your shoulder open! I mean look at it!'

It was completely demolished, I closed the door so Bucky wouldn't look at it...it was hard for him without the arm!

I pulled him into a hug and kissed his neck.

Steve:„try to sleep!'

In the morning I saw him in the bathroom trying to put his arm back on.


He put his arm on and suddenly I saw blood running down his shoulder.

Steve:„see I told you!"

I put a bandage over it and kissed him.

Steve:„come downstairs! No one will notice!'

He rolled his eyes and sat down on the bed.

Steve:„come on and don't act like a little kid!"

We walked downstairs and saw y/n sitting on the couch.

She knew how he was feeling without the arm so she just smiled up on him and he kissed her cheek.

Tony:„hey gu-"

He looked at Bucky and then back at me.


Tony:„n-nothing! I uhm just..."

Clint:„hey Barnes! Or should I say nick vujicic-"

I showed him to be quite and Bucky looked down.

Nat:„hey guys! Uhhh! The tough guy is here without the arm?"

Bucky turned around and ran upstairs.

Steve:„buck plea- really guys?! You are unbelievable!"

I wanted to run after him but y/n did it and closed the door behind her.

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