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~10 am~

Nat:„baby? We made breakfast! Are you awake?'

Y/n:„mhm...not hungry..."

Nat:„open up..."


Nat:„whole sentences baby! And now come out! Is it because of jack? It wasn't his sister right?"


Nat:„hey I really don't wanna break in the door!"


Nat:„please come out..."

I shook my head no! I knew she couldn't see it but I didn't want to speak to her or anyone else.

Nat;„your dad's will be here tomorrow so come out please!"

I didn't and they wanted to break in the door but couldn't cause i was sitting Infront of it crying and they were scared that they would hurt me.

~steve pov~

Me and Bucky were doing some photos and chilling.

Bucky:„y/n wasn't online..."

Steve:„that's awkward...we will call tony later and find out what's wrong..."

Lady:„sir you need to relax!"

Bucky;„he isn't relaxing?"

He send her out and stood up.

Bucky:„you need to calm down...she's fine!"

Steve:„yeah...you're maybe right..."

He pulled me into a hug and put his hands on my shoulders.

Bucky:„wow...you are really tensed up!"

He started lightly massaging them and I groaned.

Bucky:„oh? You like that?"

You know what happened...I mean we really weren't quite this time! Well yesterday we weren't quite either but now...

After we had our fun moments! I mean almost 2 hours we got ready and walked out for a walk and made some pics again.

At 10 pm we were finished with relaxing, having fun, drinking, walking around and walked into our hotel room where we both laid down.

Again we texted and called y/n but she didn't pick up.

Bucky:„alright I'm calling tony!"

Tony:„hey guys!"

Steve;„where's y/n?"

Tony:„in her room right now!"

Steve:„has she eaten anything?"

Tony:„well uhm yeah! She has..."

Bucky:„why isn't she calling us back?"

Tony:„she is very tired! She was just sleeping!"

Bucky:„oh no! Is my baby getting ill?"

Tony:„no...we don't think so!"

Steve:„alright...tell her goodnight and we will come tomorrow around 1 pm!"

Tony:„ok bye!"

~y/n pov~

Tony:„alright y/n! I was lying for you again! Come out now!"


I got scared as I thought about my kidnapper standing in front of the door.

Tony:„i mean it! Get the fuck out!"

I started shivering and put airpods into my ears and started listening to music while getting thousands of text messages from my dad's.

Bucky:„we will see eachother tomorrow baby! I hope you are feeling a lot better!"

Steve:„princess! I hope you are ok! Love you more then anything!"

Bucky:„take care of yourself! Tomorrow we could watch a movie!"

Steve:„baby we will come home tomorrow miss you! And love you goodnight!"

Bucky:„love you more then anything! Goodnight!"

I think that I felt asleep in front of the door cause when I woke up I was sitting there and my back was hurting.

My legs were hurting too cause of the running and my knees were looking horrible!

It was 11 am so I had 2 hours until my dad's would come back.

Nat;„you must eat!'


I looked into the mirror and saw that I was pale, thin, had wounds everywhere and looked like shit.

The next two hours I took a bath and started crying again.

Suddenly I heard my dad's car pulling over.

Steve:„Guys we are back!"

I fastly dried myself dry, put a towel over my hair and another over my body.

Bucky:„baby open up! We are back!"

Steve:„princess! Please open the door!'

Stucky's daughter 2Where stories live. Discover now