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From Bucky's perspective:

I stormed downstairs, seething with anger directed at Steve.

Steve: "And?"

Bucky: "Steven, you're in deep trouble!"

Steve: "What?"

Bucky: "How dare you say something like that to her?!"

Steve: "Hey, I'm sorry... I was tired and-"

Bucky: "No, Steve! I didn't force you to come with us! She's in her room, crying!"

Nat: "I love it when they fight..."

From Steve's perspective:

I ascended the stairs and rapped on her door.

Steve: "Are you okay?" I inquired as I stepped into her room.

She nodded, and I leaned against the wall, releasing a heavy sigh. Her eyes met mine.

Steve: "None of what happened today was your fault! I'm truly sorry... I was angry at myself, at you, at Bucky, at everyone! I didn't mean what I said..."

She absentmindedly toyed with her ring, and I placed my hand on hers.

Steve: "Hey! Listen to me... There's nothing I wouldn't do for you, okay? Absolutely nothing... Let's forget about this..."

Y/n: "Okay..."

Steve: "Alright... Feeling tired?"

She nodded, and I approached her.

Steve: "Lie down, come on!"

A soft whistle escaped my lips, and she leaped into bed.

Steve: "Okay... Good night, princess... If something's wrong, come downstairs..."

Y/n: "I love you..."

Steve: "Love you more! I'm sorry again..."

She nodded and drifted off to sleep.

I descended the stairs and found Bucky still seething on the couch.

Steve: "Buck..."

Bucky: "What did she say?"

Steve: "I apologized... She accepted it and went to sleep..."

Bucky: "She's lost more weight..."

Steve: "I'll talk to Bruce... And please, don't be angry with me..."

I approached him, planting a kiss on his lips.

Bucky: "Just go and talk to Bruce..."

He caressed my cheek, and I made my way to Bruce.

Steve: "Hey Bruce... We need to schedule a check-up for Y/n tomorrow!"

Bruce: "Sure!"

Steve: "Thanks..."

I headed back to Bucky, settling down beside him.

Steve: "I'm sorry..."

Bucky: "Steve... Why did you come with us?"

Steve: "What I said wasn't true! It was the best day ever! I was simply tired and didn't want to go to work!"

He kissed me, and we proceeded upstairs.

Steve: "Tomorrow, we only need to fill out some paperwork! It won't be too much work!"

Bucky: "Good... We need to keep an eye on Y/n! She's not eating..."

I nodded, and he rested his head on my stomach.

Around 2 am, I stirred as Bucky shifted on my stomach. Sitting up, I noticed Y/n in our room.

Bucky: "Doll... Come here, but don't wake up Dad..."

Steve: "I'm already awake... What's wrong, princess?"

Y/n: "I don't know..."

Steve: "Come here... Lie down..."

She settled down and curled up beside me.

Bucky stretched out on my stomach, and Y/n rested on my arm.

Around 4 am, I awakened to the sound of Y/n turning on the bathroom light.

Steve: "Y/n..."

I heard her retching, prompting me to rush into the bathroom.

Once she stopped, I handed her some pills.

Steve: "Feeling any better?"

She nodded, leaning her head back. She sat on the toilet, and I carefully wrapped a bandage around her ankle, which she had accidentally banged against the edge of our bed.

Steve: "Let's go back to sleep, okay?"

She nodded, and I guided her back to bed, tucking her in beside me.

Around 8 am, Bucky roused me from my slumber by placing his hands on my chest to prop himself up.

Steve: "Morning, Buck!"

Bucky: "Morning... Sorry for waking you up."

Steve: "Y/n... She threw up at 4 am and hurt her ankle on our bed."

Bucky: "Oh, shit... How many times did she throw up?"

Steve: "Just once..."

Bucky: "I'm going to make her some tea!"

I nodded, grateful for his proactive approach, as he made his way downstairs.

The events of the night had left me concerned for Y/n's well-being. I knew we needed to address her weight loss and the issues she was facing. I resolved to have a conversation with Bruce about her condition and arrange a check-up for her. It was crucial to ensure she received the necessary support and care.

As the day progressed, I couldn't shake off the lingering guilt and worry. Y/n's health and happiness meant the world to both Bucky and me. We had to be there for her, supporting her through her struggles.

The following morning, Bucky and I accompanied Y/n to the scheduled check-up with Bruce. We filled out the required paperwork and discussed her recent health concerns. Bruce assured us that he would do everything possible to assist Y/n in her recovery and monitor her progress closely.

Over time, with the combined efforts of Bruce's medical expertise and our unwavering support, Y/n's condition gradually improved. She began to regain her appetite and engage in healthier habits. Bucky and I remained by her side, offering love, understanding, and encouragement every step of the way.

Though the road to recovery was not without its challenges, Y/n's strength and resilience shone through. She fought against the darkness that threatened to consume her, emerging stronger than ever before. And through it all, our bond as a family grew deeper, fortified by the shared experiences and unwavering love we held for one another.

In the end, Y/n's journey taught us the significance of compassion, understanding, and never underestimating the power of love in overcoming adversity. Together, we forged a path toward healing, embracing the brighter days that awaited us, hand in hand.

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