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~bucky pov~

I felt how y/n was moving around on my lap, so I started stroking over her head and she stopped.

Bucky:„i will bring her upstairs..."


Bucky:„wanna come with me? I'm gonna stay there..."

Steve:„no...i will come later!"

I picked up y/n and put her into her room.

She clung up on me, so I laid down with her.

~1 hour later~

I heard that someone opened the door and in the next minute I felt his warm breath on my neck.

Steve:„darling...come on..."

He put his arm under my waist and picked me up.

Bucky:„steve I wanna sleep..."

Steve:„you will...in our room..."

He laid me down on my bed and cuddled up with me.

Steve:„night...i love you!"

Bucky:„love you too..."


~y/n pov~

I walked into my dad's room, took out a hoodie and changed into it.

Steve:„morning princess!"

He came out of the bathroom and I fastly hid my arms.


He put a kiss on my forehead and put his shoes on.

Steve:„if dad wakes up tell him I'm out on a run!"

Y/n:„i will bye..."

He walked out and I walked back into my room.

~1 hour later~

Bucky:„doll do you know-"

Y/n:„dad went out for a run!"

Bucky;„oh...ok thank you!"

He walked out and I went downstairs.

Steve:„hey I'm back!"

Y/n:„papa is upstairs!'

He ran upstairs and I ate a toast.

They came downstairs and made them something to eat.

Bucky:„we must not work today!"


Steve:„yeah...so we wanted to ask you if you wanna do something later or now?"

Y/n:„i don't know...maybe..."

Bucky:„ok what about a picnic?"


Steve:„alright...we will go in an hour!"

I ran upstairs, put some trousers on and under my dad's hoodie a shirt.

After an hour I walked downstairs and saw my dad's ready sitting on the couch.


Bucky:„mhm! Let's go!'

We drove to a big field and started picnicking.

Suddenly I felt my dad's hand on my ankle.

Bucky:„what happened to your ankle doll?"


Bucky:„hey Steve look..."

He stroked over the cuts and I remembered that I forgot to put the bandages over them.

Y/n:„that happened as we had the accident..."

Steve:„oh shit that looks bad...when we will come home I will put a salve on it!"

Y/n:„shit..." I murmured to myself and started eating a sandwich.

After we arrived at home Steve sat me down on his bed and went into the bathroom.

Steve:„put your leg on the chair!'

He put a salve on them and put a bandage around it.

Steve:„they look fresh, do you scratch them open?"

Y/n:„what?- oh uhm yeah!"

Steve:„stop with it please...I will take a look at them every day!"


I walked into my room ashamed of myself.

Shit why am I so dumb...I asked this question myself every time.


I kicked into my bed and sat down on the floor.

~steve pov~

Bucky was still cleaning everything up and I put the salve back into the bathroom.


Steve:„where did you came from?"

Bucky:„downstairs? How are you?"

Steve:„yeah pretty good what about you?"

Bucky:„im fine! And y/n?"

Steve:„well...she is ok I guess..."

Suddenly we heard a noise and ran into y/n's room.

Steve:„what happened?"

Y/n:„i just bumped into my bed..."

Bucky kneeled down Infront of her and looked at her ankles which I treated some minutes ago.

Steve:„something is wrong...wanna tell us?"

She shook her head and sat down on her bed.

Y/n:„everything is fine..."

Bucky:„alright...take a nap maybe you will feel better..."

She nodded and laid down.

We waited until she felt asleep and walked downstairs.

Stucky's daughter 2Where stories live. Discover now