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~y/n pov~

I woke up feeling more tired than at 5 am...

I took a look at the clock and saw that it was 3 pm.

Bucky:„hey how did you sleep?"

I was so sleepy I just closed my eyes again and felt asleep.

As I woke up the next time I wasn't tired anymore so I took a look at the clock again.

6 pm...shit...my dad's walked inside and brought me something to eat.

Y/n:„it's so late..."

Steve:„it's ok. You need to rest!'

Bucky;„here I got you something to eat!"

He started feeding me and after I was done with eating they took a look at the scar.

Bucky:„feeling better?"

I nodded and they gave me my antibiotics.



Y/n:„i heard you and dad talking that you want to do something...what is it? And I know that it has to do something with me."

Bucky:„we will tell you when it will happen! Now you need to rest!'

I nodded and drifted of to sleep.

~steve pov~

I pulled Bucky aside and we started talking.

Steve:„are you insane...?! Why are you telling her-"

Bucky:„hey listen she doesn't know what this shit is all about...!"

Steve:„that we want to put her-"

Bucky:‚for god's sake be quite...! She could be awake...!"

We walked out and suddenly Nat walked by.

Nat:„what are you talking about?"

Bucky:„nothing...just y/n!"

Nat:„i heard how you talked about a plan! Let me hear it!"

Steve:„its nothing Nat really! We just want to give her some space..."

Bucky:„uh yeah! Yeah! Space from us!"


She walked away and I cleared my throat.


He nodded and we walked downstairs.

Tony:„so Nat told us something-"

Steve:„no it's a secret we won't tell you anything about it! It was just an idea and we don't know if we will do this ok?"

Tony:„alright...but if it is what I think it is...I wouldn't do it!"

I looked over at Bucky and he shook his head.

Bucky:„its not your business tony! We decide what we are gonna do with her ok?"

Tony:„of course!'

We ate dinner alone and suddenly Bucky cleared his throat and I looked up at him.

Bucky;„maybe Tony's right!"

Steve:„he doesn't even know what we wanna do! He maybe thinks that we wanna put her back into the adoption center!"

Bucky:„we would never do that!'

Steve:‚no of course not!"

Suddenly y/n walked downstairs rubbing her eyes.

Bucky:„oh hey sweetie!"

Y/n:„what are you eating...?"

Steve:„uhm chicken salad...wanna?'

She shook her head no and Bucky helped her to walk over to us.

Bucky:„aren't you tired anymore?"

Y/n:„no I mean I slept the whole day!'

Steve:„ok uhm...y/n-"

Bucky shook his head no and she looked at me.


Steve:„uhm...uh no! Forget it uh I uhm just...do you want chicken salad?'

Y/n:„i said no a minute ago...what's going on?'

Bucky:„oh nothing dad is silly you know!"

Y/n:„uh...yeah...ok uhm I will just go back to bed."

Bucky:„alright we will come and take a look at you later hm?"

She nodded and walked upstairs slowly.


Steve:„sorry! But we must tell her!'

Bucky:„no! We won't! When she will feel better we will just drive there and say hey we have a suprise for you!'

Steve;„great plan...she will hate us more!'

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