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I started screaming, crying and kicking him so he brought me outside and locked me out.

I couldn't go anywhere cause there was a really high gate...of course I tried to climb over it but it didn't work.

~bucky pov~

We drove away and I saw how she wanted to run after us.

I started crying and Steve stopped at a restaurant.

Waitress:„what can I bring you?"

Steve;„two vodkas..."

Waitress:„i saw you driving a car! You aren't allowed to drink alcohol!'

Steve:„we can't get drunk now please just bring us the vodkas."

Waitress:„yeah a lot people tell me that! You need to leave before I call the cops!'

Bucky:‚do you know who we are?"

Waitress:‚no and I don't wanna! Bye!'

The man behind us ordered two vodkas and gave it to us.

Steve:„you really don't need to-"

Man:‚you two look like you need it!'

Bucky:„thank you sir!"

He turned around and another tear ran down my cheek.

Steve:„i don't know if we did the right thing..."

Bucky:„i don't know it either..."

Steve:„let's go to our hotel...sleep a bit and think about-"


We drove to the hotel and laid down.

Steve:„we should relax a bit...maybe?"



We really tried to have sex but it didn't work...

We just weren't in the mood...it was so different.

I was leaning against the cupboard, then Steve picked up the blanket and put his hand on my dick.

I really tried to get in the mood also when he started giving me a blowjob but it didn't work...so he sat up and we both looked at the wall in front of us.

⚠️End of smut⚠️


Bucky:„we should go to sleep..."


We didn't even kiss...

In the morning we drove home and as we walked inside the whole team looked at us.

Tony:‚where is she?"

Bucky;‚guys...we put her into a camp for a few days... weeks..."

Nat:„you did what?!"

~y/n pov~

I was sleeping in the garden the whole night crying after my dad's and at 5 am Mary and George walked up to me.

Mary:„here you go! Change and we will meet up in the kitchen!'

It was an old fashioned dress and cause I didn't want to sleep outside again I changed and walked into the kitchen.

George:„there's a lot of work to do today! And you're gonna help us!"

Y/n:„what work?"

Mary:„well helping us with the cows and other animals we have here then we are gonna clean the whole house, mow the grass...and then we will go to the church!"

Y/n:„well...im not really a church kid you know...i-"

George:„we have a lot of punishment options for you!"

I looked down and then we started doing the work.

As we walked to the church I saw how the other kids were looking at me.

As Mary and George weren't looking and started talking I turned around and ran over to the kids.

Y/n:„please call help! Do you have a phone? Can you talk? Do you understand me? I'm not supposed to be here! Do you know the avengers? My dad's are-"

Mary:„y/n are you trying to find new friends?"

I nodded and felt how George grabbed my arm tightly and dragged me into the church.

The priest suddenly walked over to us, took my arm and wanted to walk back to the front with me.

Stucky's daughter 2Where stories live. Discover now