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At midnight I started running again and as I thought that I saw my way out, someone grabbed me and pushed me to the floor.

Y/n:„LET ME GO!'

It was George...Julia and Mary were standing right next to us.

Y/n:„i thought that I could trust you Julia..."

She just shrugged her arms and George picked me up roughly.


I started crying pityingly and they walked back into their house with me.

Mary:„what you did wasn't right!"

Y/n:„i wanna go home..."

George:„is that the only thing you can say?!"

Y)n:„yes! Cause that's the only thing I want!"


Y/n:„let me at least call- call my dad's! Please ...please ..."

They looked at eachother but shook their heads no.

George:„you were bad!"

Y/n:„no! Please! Please I'm sorry! I didn't want too!"

Mary:„its too late to apologise now!"

Y/n:„no! It's never too late ! Please! Please let me just say hi!"

They said no again and I started screaming.


George:„calm down!"


He slapped me and brought me upstairs into my room.

George:„you will go to sleep now! Tomorrow's school so be good!"

He closed the door and as I tried to open it I saw that it was locked!

Y/n:„HEY! Open the door! NOW!"


I started kicking against the door but stopped as George shouted at me:„YOU WANNA ME COME IN THERE WITH MY BELT HUH?!"

I laid down and went to sleep.

In the morning they woke me up, gave me another ugly looking dress and walked to school with me.

I saw the other kids from yesterday there and the teacher led me inside.

As we had our first lesson I wasn't looking at the board for a second and the teacher walked up to me.

Teacher:„y/n come up to the board!"


Teacher;„NO talking!"

I stood up and walked over to the board.

She pulled out a thin stick and smacked it over my fingers.


She smacked it into my face and I heard the class laughing.

I took her dumb stick, smacked it into her face and broke it.

She got so angry that she slapped me and called Mary and George.

George:„what were you thinking?!" He asked as we were walking home.

Y/n:„she started!'

He pushed me into the high grass, pulled out his belt and walked up to me.

George:„stop being so stupid!"

Y/n:„im not STUPID!"

I wanted to take his belt but he didn't let go and smacked it over my head.


He hit me even harder and I stopped moving.

Y/n:„why did my dad's send me here...they would never hurt me like that! YOU DIDN'T TELL THEM RIGHT?!"


I got scared as the belt hit me again so I stayed quite and after a few minutes he helped me up and we walked back to their house.

I wasn't allowed to eat the whole day but of course I wasn't dumb and took something as they weren't looking.

At night they wanted to pray with me but I played like I was already sleeping so they walked out again.

I cried myself to sleep thinking about my dad's ...I couldn't believe that they did something like that to me! I was their kid...

Stucky's daughter 2Where stories live. Discover now