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In the days that followed, a heavy tension hung in the air at home. Bucky and Steve seemed distant and preoccupied, and I felt like I was walking on eggshells around them. Every time I caught their gaze, I could see the disappointment in their eyes, and it tore me apart.

One night, as they were sitting in the living room, silently reading, the atmosphere remained thick with unspoken words.

Tony walked in with a scotch, and I tried to control my breathing while thinking about how to ask my dads for a favor.

Y/n: "Papa...?"

Bucky silently looked up a bit, and I nervously sat down in front of him.

Steve was still reading his book, so I didn't say anything and stared at him until he looked up too.

Y/n: "I uhm...I wanted to ask if we could go shopping tomorrow... I need some things, and-"

Steve: "You think after all that I'm gonna do you a favor?! You didn't apologize! You didn't show us that you're trying to get better!"

Y/n: "I Said I was sorry! I told you a hundred times already! You never listen! It's not easy! Okay? Maybe if you were here for me and listening, I would never take the drugs!"

Steve's voice was stern, tinged with frustration and worry, while I felt a pang of regret for pushing him away even further.

Bucky: "What did you say?"

Y/n: "I think you heard me! And if I'm not that important to you, then-"

Bucky's hand landed on my cheek, and I closed my eyes shut, trying to hold back tears, feeling hurt that he, too, seemed against me like Dad.

Bucky: "Stop talking dumb! You know what we risked for you! You know what we did to protect you?! You know what we've gone through?! No! So shut up and go to your room! We're not going shopping! Not after this behavior!"

His words were sharp, filled with a mix of love and frustration, and I couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by it all.

Y/n: "I hate you! You are so unfair! Try to live my life!"

Steve: "You had everything you wanted! We gave you absolutely everything!"

Y/n: "Leave me alone!"

I stormed upstairs into my room, feeling like there was no one on my side. Not even Bucky, who I thought would always support me.

Not long after, there was a gentle knock on my door, and I heard the door creak open. Bucky entered with a mixture of concern and sadness etched on his face.

Bucky: "Hey, sweetheart... I know we're being hard on you, and I'm sorry for raising my voice. We just care about you so much, and it's tearing us apart to see you like this."

I couldn't look him in the eyes, feeling a mix of anger and hurt, but also understanding his love behind it all.

Bucky: "We're scared, Y/n. We love you more than anything in this world, and we want to see you happy and healthy. We're not perfect parents, but we're trying our best. Please, let us help you."

Tears welled up in my eyes, as Bucky's gaze softened, realizing the pain behind my outburst. He reached out to me, his voice now tinged with remorse.

Bucky: "Oh my baby doll... I'm sorry... I'm so, so sorry. Okay? Did I hurt you? I'm sorry, okay?"

His eyes glistened with unshed tears, and he gently touched my cheeks where he had slapped me before. I knew he regretted his actions, and my heart ached at the sight of his vulnerability.

Y/n: "I... I don't know how to fix this, papa."

Bucky: "We'll figure it out together. You're not alone in this, Y/n. We're here for you, every step of the way."

His voice held a tender sincerity, wrapping me in a warm embrace that whispered of unconditional love and support.

As Bucky enveloped me in a comforting hug, my heart swelled with a mix of sadness and hope.

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