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~y/n pov~

I was searching after my papas knife...I knew that he will need it and I took it! And couldn't find it!

Steve:„you think its funny to close the door Infront of our face?"

He asked walking in.

Y/n:„sorry i didn't want to!'

I laid down under the bed again and started pulling things out.

Steve:„im gonna make lunch! And if I come back and the room isn't clean!"

Y/n:„then what?'

Steve:„then I'm gonna take your phone!"

He walked out and I started cleaning up but then I saw that I hadn't much time so I took all the stuff and put it into my closet.

~1 hour later~

My dad came back upstairs to tell me that the food was ready.

Steve:„so did you clean up your room?"


He walked inside and looked at it for a while.

Steve:„looks good!"

Y/n:„im hungry now...let's go eat something!'

I ran downstairs and sat down.

After we ate I sat down on the couch and my dad sat down next to me.

Y/n:„nat do you have time to go shopping?"

Nat:„no sorry sweetie!"

Steve:„we can go with you!"

Y/n:„no...sorry! Wanda what about you?"

Wanda:„i can't sorry!"


Pepper:„i must take care of Morgan!"


I stopped eating and walked upstairs.

Papa knocked at the door and I opened it.


Bucky;„i can go shopping with you, if you want to!"

Y/n:„no! You don't understand!"

Bucky:„if it is about the pads I can go again!"

Y/n:„ugh No!"

I pushed him out of the room and locked the door.

Steve;„y/n open up! You can't lock us out!"

Y/n;„i just did!"

Steve;„we can go shopping with you!"

Y/n:„no! Not you guys!'

He opened the door with another key and they walked inside.


Bucky:„what do you need?"


Steve:„would you go with tony or Peter?"


Bucky:„chill! Come on we are your dads!"

Y/n:„that doesn't mean anything!"

Steve:„is it the bra thing again?"

I staid quite and sat down on my bed.

Bucky:„do you need a new bra? Come on! It's ok we will just pay for it! We don't even want to see it!"


We went to a shopping center and after I found three bra's my dad's paid for them.

Nat:„uhhh you were shopping!"

Wanda:„show us!"


I walked upstairs and put them into a drawer.

Bucky:„y/n you hadn't eaten your food! Come eat something!"

I ran downstairs and ate something.



Y/n:„i thought about it...and wanted to ask if I could have a pet-"

Steve:„no! Nope not happening!"

Y/n;„oh c'mon!"

Nat:„yes c'mon Rogers!"

Bucky:„omg yes darling please!"

Steve:„no! Never!"

Bucky:„why not? That would be so cool!"

Steve;„cause i said so!"

Y/n:„not fair dad! Everyone wants to have a pet!"

Steve:„yes and I will take care of it right? You can have a fish!"

Y/n:„dad! Please a dog would be so cute!"

Bucky:„or a cat..."

Tony:„hey guys! I am on Rogers side! No pets! Never!'

Steve:„thank you tony!'

Y/n:„not cool stark! Not cool!"

Bucky:„yes...not cool!'

Nat:„mhm...I want to have a dog!"

Wanda:„stop fighting!'

Tony:„we aren't! we are arguing!"

Stucky's daughter 2Where stories live. Discover now