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I awoke at the ungodly hour of 4 am, feeling restless and unable to find solace in sleep. Determined to seek comfort, I made my way to my father's room.

"Papa," I called out softly, hoping to find solace in his presence.

Bucky shifted in bed, his arms instinctively wrapping around Steve as he responded groggily, "Hmm? What's the matter?"

I sighed, my frustration evident as I confessed, "I can't sleep."

Bucky sat up, rubbing his tired eyes, and inquired, "What time is it?"

"4 am," I replied, my voice tinged with both apology and rebellion.

"Doll," Bucky groaned, his weariness apparent, "I know you're sorry, but we really need to sleep."

"I'm not tired," I protested stubbornly, my restless energy refusing to subside.

Steve, reluctantly stirred from his slumber, intervened, his tone firm yet tinged with fatigue. "Bucky, leave me alone. I want to sleep."

Bucky, resigned to his fate, relented. "Y/n can't sleep. Your turn."

Steve let out a tired sigh, his patience tested. "Go to bed, Y/n. We need to work today."

"But what about me?" I questioned with a touch of hurt. "I want to have fun again!"

Steve, his voice tinged with regret, tried to explain, "Y/n, yesterday was just a day to cheer you up. I didn't necessarily want to go. It was nice, but now we have work to focus on."

My heart sank at his words, feeling a pang of disappointment. "I thought you wanted to have fun too."

"No," Steve clarified, his exhaustion seeping into his words. "I did it because Bucky was incessantly bothering me. But now, please, go to sleep."

My eyes welled up with tears as I lay down, the weight of his words crashing over me. Steve, realizing the impact of his words, quickly attempted to apologize, but the damage had already been done. With tears streaming down my cheeks, he left the room, leaving me to grapple with my emotions.

~ 8 am ~

I remained by the window, my tears drying on my cheeks, feeling a mix of sadness and confusion lingering within me. Bucky entered the room, breaking the silence with his cheerful tone.

"Dad is making breakfast, come on!" he exclaimed, hoping to lift my spirits.

"Mhm," I mumbled in response, my emotional turmoil still lingering.

I washed my face and reluctantly made my way downstairs, where Steve greeted me with a warm smile. He leaned in for a kiss, but I instinctively dodged, offering only a muted "morning."

"Buck, we have a meeting in 10 minutes!" Steve announced, a sense of urgency in his voice.

They swiftly changed and headed to the meeting room, leaving me alone with my thoughts. The weight of the earlier confrontation still hung in the air, dampening my appetite. I pushed my breakfast aside and found solace on the couch.

At 1 pm, during their first break, Tony ordered food for everyone. However, I retreated to my room, seeking solace in solitude. Bucky, concerned for my well-being, knocked on my door.

"Hey, dolly, open up," he called out gently.

I obliged, opening the door to find Bucky standing there, his eyes filled with concern. He stepped closer and asked, "Is everything okay, soldier?"

I nodded, my emotions still raw and unsteady, and reluctantly made my way downstairs. Bucky watched me intently as we ate, his gaze filled with worry.

As the day progressed, Bucky couldn't shake off his concern for me. He kept glancing my way, trying to discern if something was still bothering me. It was evident that the tension from earlier still lingered between him and Steve. Sensing that he needed to address the issue, Bucky finally decided to confront Steve during their dinner break.

At 6 pm, the meeting finally concluded, and Bucky approached Steve, signaling me to give them some privacy. I retreated upstairs, feeling a mix of apprehension and hope that they would resolve their differences.

In the living room, I glanced out the window, trying to collect my thoughts. Soon, Bucky appeared at the doorway with a troubled expression.

"Hey! Y/n, come downstairs now!" he called out, urgency in his voice.

Reluctantly, I made my way down, my emotions still raw from earlier. Bucky walked up to me, his eyes soft with concern.

"What's wrong with you?" he asked gently.

"Nothing," I replied, trying to shield my vulnerability.

He wasn't convinced, and with a gentle touch, he tilted my chin to meet his gaze. "Tell me, Y/n. You can talk to me."

I told him while more tears filled my eyes and saw the more angry getting expression on his face.

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