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~steve pov~

We didn't hear her so I kicked in the door.

Y/n was standing in front of her bathroom door with a red towel around her pale body...what happened? She looked scared at the door and wanted to lock herself in the bathroom but Bucky grabbed her hand.

We sat her down on the bed and I squat down in front of her.

As I wanted to put my hand on her knee I saw that they were bleeding.

Steve:„what happened baby?'


Tony was standing behind her and looked at the floor.

Bucky:„why weren't you answering us?"

Y/n:„ don't know..."

Steve:„what's wrong?"

She tried to move away and started shivering.


Steve:„please what?"


Bucky;„baby doll...you need to talk in whole sentences!"

She looked back at the door and was like paralyzed she couldn't look away...

~y/n pov~

Maybe my paranoia- no! Someone was standing by the door...just the eyes could be seen! I squeezed my daddy's hand tighter and tighter.

He wanted to pull my face away but I was scared to look away...then I suddenly heard footsteps!

I saw a hand gripping the doorframe and walking in.

I fastly let my dad's out and locked myself in my bathroom with a scream.

Bucky;„open up! Baby please open the door!"

Steve;„you must talk to us! Something is wrong!"


Steve;„baby we need to hear your voice c'mon tell us what happened!'


Steve:„should we go away? Why's that baby? Please-"

Bucky:„you need to talk to us doll!"

Nat:„hey! It's just me who came into the room! Come out!"


Nat:„who he?"


Steve:„we are at home baby..."


I slid down the door and sat down on the cold floor.

The cuts where burning and I saw how pale I was...more than before...


Bucky:„come out! Or i will kick in the door!'

Tony:„she is sitting in front of it!"

Steve:„alright I have a plan! Bucky take the door knob and pull it towards you! I will kick the door in..."

Bucky:„y/n last chance to back up!"

I was ice cold...I just felt weak now.

They kicked the door in and Steve's plan worked.

Bucky put the door away and they walked up to me.

Steve:„alright baby come here..."

He picked me up and I tried to fight against him but it didn't work...I was too weak.

Steve:„baby...did you eat something? It feels like you lost some pounds..."

I mumbled something and he told the others that they should go away.

Bucky:„did you ate something?"


Steve:„stop and answer our question!"

Bucky put out a hoodie and sweatpants.

I took them and went into the bathroom while they sat down on the bed.

I changed slowly and walked back into my room.

The sweatpants were too big now and if I wouldn't hold them up they would fall down.

Steve:„y/n! You lost weight! You must eat please...you are too thin! I'm scared ok?"

I looked out of the door and again I saw the men...he was standing there with a belt in his hand...

Steve walked up to me and I fainted in his arms.

Steve:„y/n! open your eyes!"

I opened my eyes a bit and saw that I was laying on my bed.

Stucky's daughter 2Where stories live. Discover now