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~y/n pov~

The tension in the room was palpable, and I could see the pain etched on both Steve and Bucky's faces. I took a deep breath, gathering my courage to address their concerns.

Y/n: "I don't want to be the cause of your fights or unhappiness. I know I messed up, and I'm trying to make amends. But I can't do it alone. I need both of you, together, to help me through this tough time."

Steve's stern expression softened as he listened to my words, and he seemed to take a moment to process them.

Steve: "Y/n, I don't want to see you hurt. It's just... I don't know how to handle this situation. I'm scared that if I let up on the consequences, you might slip back into old habits."

Y/n: "I understand your concern, Dad, but I promise I'll work hard to change. And if I ever feel overwhelmed or tempted, I'll come to you both for support. You won't lose me, I promise."

Bucky placed a comforting hand on Steve's shoulder, urging him to listen to what I had to say.

Bucky: "Steve, Y/n needs to know that we trust her to make the right choices, but we'll be there to guide her when she needs it. We can't keep her from facing the consequences, but we can show her love and support along the way."

Steve looked torn, but the love and care in Bucky's eyes seemed to reach him.

Y/n: "Dad, I need both of you to be a united front. I need to see you work together and support each other as much as you support me. That's how we can heal as a family."

Steve: "I want to protect you, Y/n. I've made mistakes as a parent, and I don't want to repeat them."

Y/n: "I know, Dad, but we all make mistakes. We learn from them and become better. I believe in us as a family, but I need you to believe in it too."

Bucky: "She's right, Steve. We can't change the past, but we can shape our future together."

As I spoke, I saw a flicker of hope in Steve's eyes. It was as if he was finally starting to let go of his rigid stance and embrace the possibility of healing as a family.

Steve: "Okay, I'll try. But promise me that if things get tough, you won't hesitate to come to me. We'll face this together."

Y/n: "I promise, Dad. I won't hide anything from you both anymore."

Bucky smiled warmly, relieved to see a breakthrough in their conversation.

Bucky: "That's a step in the right direction. We're in this together, no matter what."

With those words, a sense of unity washed over us, and for the first time in a long while, the tension in the room began to subside. It wasn't a magical fix, but it was the beginning of a journey towards understanding, trust, and healing.

As I held onto the hope that things would get better, I couldn't ignore the sickening feeling that crept up on me this evening. It was evident that it came from the deprivation from the drugs.

I felt absolutely dreadful, enduring a night of relentless vomiting and drenching sweats that seemed never-ending.

Amidst the misery, my dads were right by my side, and I couldn't have been happier about it. Their presence provided a glimmer of comfort in the midst of my suffering.

But in the midst of this bittersweet relief, a profound sadness settled in. I couldn't help but feel the weight of my vulnerability and the burden my condition placed on them. It was a stark reminder of the trials we faced together, a mix of love and sorrow that tugged at my heart.

Yet, even in the depths of my conflicting emotions, I clung to the warmth of my fathers' care, knowing their love would see us through these trying times.

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