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~bucky pov~

I was sitting in the police station until Steve and Tony picked me up.

Police;„you are under house arrest for a week! Both of you!"

Bucky:„oh wow...I'm like a little kid now?-"

Steve:„stop! But why am I under house arrest?"

Police:„cause you were there! And one of the boys told us that you punched him too!"

Steve:„that's not true-"

Bucky:„don't make it worse..."

They put something on my leg and as I wanted to walk out it started beeping loudly.

They turned it off and turned it back on as we arrived at home.

Bucky:„omg that's so fucking annoying! I'm like a little kid with house arrest!"

Steve:„to be honest you were acting like a little kid! And I'm under house arrest too! I didn't do anything!"

Bucky:„hey! Don't tell me that it was my fault! They started it! And I know it's unfair! But I can't do anything about it!"


Bucky:„shut it Steven!"

I walked upstairs and slammed the door.

Steve:„i think you need to calm down James!"

He said walking into our room and closing the door.

Bucky:„you too Steven!"

He picked me up, put me into the bathroom and put my head under the ice cold water.

~5 minutes later~

Steve:„are you calm now?"

I nodded and he stopped.



He walked out of the bathroom and walked over to y/n.

Y/n:„what happened?"


I walked out of the bathroom with, wet hair and a wet shirt.


Steve:„it's none of your business princess! And please go out now...we need to talk!"

She walked out and Steve turned towards me.

Steve:„something to say?"

I shook my head and sat down.

Steve:„i told you not to punch him! Why didn't you stop?!"

Bucky:„i-i don't know..."

Steve;„you should know why! That was childish! Dumb! It was-"

Bucky:„it was just to protect you!'

Steve:„no buck! No no! It wasn't! It was just to show me or yourself that you are strong!"


Steve;„i don't know what to do! You know... I had a really great day but you always ruin it!"


He staid quite so I ran downstairs.

Steve:„buck stop! Don't run away!"

I felt a hand on my shoulder and as I turned around it was Steve.

Steve:„look I'm sorry! Just let's go upstairs and talk!"

I nodded again and sat down on our bed.

~steve pov~

I was sorry to be honest...I didn't want to say something like that...

Steve:„look I'm sorry!"

Bucky:„steve...I don't wanna ruin your days all the time!'

Steve;„that's not true! And you know that!"

Bucky:„yeah...so one week house arrest...what now?"

Steve:„i don't know buck...really I'm stressed out! I can't anymore!"

Bucky:„look now you can rest! That's the best thing!"

Suddenly our bedroom door went open.

Tony:„hey guys!"

Steve:„hey tony!"

Bucky:„what's up?'

Tony:„today wasn't your day hm?"

Bucky looked at me and then back at tony.

Bucky:„are you gonna talk to me like with a little kid?"

Tony:„no...just look after you two!"

Steve:„i think we are fine..."

Tony:„really? Barnes hair are wet his eyes are red and you look stressed out!'

Steve:„we are fine..."

Tony:„no you aren't! You must not play the tough one Steve!'

Steve:„im not Tony!"

Bucky laid down on the bed and tony told us that we will have a movie day today.

I was still in my suit.

Bucky:„you still look great in this suit!"

I chuckled and he stood up again.

Bucky:„by the way...I have a great idea!"

Steve:„what now?"

Bucky:„i want to cut off my hair!"

Steve:„i will miss them but do what you want! And! ask Nat if she could cut your hair!"

He walked downstairs with me and Nat started cutting his hair.

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