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Y/n had dozed off, her head resting comfortably on Loki's arm. Sensing her sleepiness, I gently lifted her and carried her upstairs wanting her to rest comfortably. As I descended the stairs, I noticed Steve sitting at the table, engrossed in his paperwork once again.

„Steve" I called out, trying not to disturb his concentration.

Steve, clearly immersed in his task, responded with a touch of annoyance, "If you need me to accompany you tomorrow, give me a moment to finish this, will you?"

I couldn't resist the urge to show my affection, so I wrapped my arms around Steve from behind and planted a tender kiss on his cheek.

I couldn't contain my excitement and gratitude, exclaiming, "Oh my goodness! Thank you so much, my love!"

Steve chuckled warmly and resumed his work, knowing he was needed. As the clock struck 11 pm, signifying the completion of his task, we prepared to retire for the night. However, the bed was in disarray due to our earlier activities.

"Would you mind tidying up and putting the clothes in your closet, please?" Steve requested, motioning towards the mess.

Without hesitation, I took care of the room, ensuring everything was in order. Finally, we settled down for a well-deserved rest.

~ Morning ~

I heard a gentle knock on the door, and Y/n entered the room, excitement radiating from her.

"What's the matter?" I asked, sensing her urgency.

"It's the special day! I'm all ready!" Y/n announced, already dressed and eagerly taking a seat next to me on the bed.

My sleepy voice held a mix of excitement and weariness, "Yes, yes, I'm up and ready! Go downstairs and grab something to eat."

Y/n playfully rolled her eyes, a laugh escaping her lips, as she dashed downstairs.

"What's going on?" Steve inquired, his interest piqued by the commotion.

I explained, "Y/n... she's all set for the day!"

"It's only 5:35 am!" Steve exclaimed, a touch of disbelief in his voice.

I grumbled, "Ugh... this kid is driving me crazy!"

I quickly got dressed and joined Y/n downstairs, where she eagerly shared the plan with me.

"Slow down, mini soldier!" I chimed in. "Have you realized it's 5 am?"

Y/n, mischief glinting in her eyes, retorted, "To be precise, it's 5:40 am. But yes, I've taken that into consideration!"

A mix of exasperation and affection in my tone, muttered, "You'll be the death of me."

Y/n grinned knowingly and replied, "I'm aware of that!"

Meanwhile, Steve descended the stairs, munching on an apple as he joined us.

"Will Dad be joining us?" Y/n eagerly inquired.

I turned to Steve and asked, "Steve?"

Steve nodded affirmatively, and Y/n's excitement bubbled over as she rushed towards him, enveloping him in a tight embrace.

"Alright, let's kick-start the day!" I declared, rallying our spirits.

Stucky's daughter 2Where stories live. Discover now