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As I was teetering on the brink of being swallowed by the sea of revelers, a voice sliced through the chaos. A boy handed me an unfamiliar concoction, accompanied by a small pill.

Boy: "It's not a vitamin, you know."

Y/n: "I'm sorry, but I'm not interested in taking drugs. Escaping to this party was one thing; I can't push it further."

Girl: "Oh, come on, don't be such a buzzkill!"

Y/n: "Seriously, this isn't a good idea. My dad would lock me in my room forever if he found out."

Girl: "Please, it's a blast with these. They're new, we've been using them for two days, and nothing bad has happened!"

Y/n: "Well, alright..."

I took the pill hesitantly and suddenly, the world morphed into a whirlwind of colors and noise. The surroundings swirled around me as I bumped into people on my way to the restroom, succumbing to a sudden urge to vomit.

~Steve's perspective~

We were concerned about y/n. Ever since she quit taking those drugs, she'd been falling sick every night, even vomiting in her sleep. We decided to keep an eye on her.

As Bucky cracked the door open, it was clear she wasn't in her room.

Steve: "Y/n? Hey, where are you?"

Bucky: "Y/n?"

Just as I was about to head downstairs to search for her, Bucky held me back.

Bucky: "Look at her bed."

I spotted her pajamas, realizing she must have gone to the party. Without a second thought, I grabbed my car keys, and we raced to the scene.

Bucky: "Unbelievable! I can't believe her. This can't be real! Why would she do this?"

Steve: "For heaven's sake, keep your voice down!"

We arrived at the venue, where a security guard stopped us, asking for our invitations or IDs. I brushed him aside and charged into the throng with Bucky, frantically scanning for y/n.

Steve: "Buck, did you check the bar?"

Bucky: "Not there! The restroom?"

Steve: "Let's go!"

We sprinted as if our lives depended on it and followed the sound of someone vomiting.

Steve: "Y/n, if that's you, open up! I swear, if you ignore us, you're in for a world of trouble!"

Finally, she opened the door, and we helped her up.

Bucky: "What did you drink?"

Her words were slurred and incomprehensible, so we guided her out of the party to hear her better.

Steve: "Are you hurt anywhere?"

No answer. She slumped against my chest, and I decided to put her in the car.

Just five minutes into the drive, she threw up in the car. I pulled over, and Bucky led her out for a quick cleanup while I dealt with the mess inside.

As I wiped away the mess, something caught my eye – a mix of yellow and pink amidst the vomit.

Steve: "Buck, come take a look at this!"

Bucky inspected the substance and inhaled sharply, glancing at y/n and then back at the mess.

Bucky: "MDMA... no, this can't be right."

Steve: "What's going on?"

Bucky: "Wrap that in a tissue; we're heading straight to Bruce's."

As we hurriedly made our way to Bruce's, a mix of emotions swirled within us. Concern for y/n's well-being was paramount, yet a growing frustration simmered beneath the surface, fueled by the knowledge that she had been dragged into something potentially dangerous.

Upon reaching Bruce's lab, the two of us burst in, our faces etched with a mixture of urgency and worry. Bruce Banner, looked up from his work with a surprised expression.

Bruce: "Steve, Bucky, what's going on?"

Steve: "Bruce, we found y/n at that party. She's in bad shape. We need your help."

Bucky handed over the tissue containing the suspicious substance, and Bruce's brow furrowed as he examined it.

Stucky's daughter 2Where stories live. Discover now