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So guys there was a little conversation going on in the last parts of our story...so I ask you again! Should it be a false negative or should it stay negative for sure?
By the way I love you guys so much!!! Have a great day!

I watched as Bucky ascended the staircase, his face etched with concern, a steaming cup of tea in his hands. When he reached the top, my heart sank at the sight of y/n curled up on my arm, clearly in pain.

"Buck," I called out softly, catching his attention. "I think y/n needs us."

Bucky's eyes flickered with worry as he approached, extending the cup of tea towards y/n.

"Doll... I made you some tea," Bucky said gently, his voice filled with care.

Y/n's voice emerged as a barely audible murmur, barely registering the offer.

"Hmm...?" y/n responded, her expression filled with discomfort.

Bucky's concern deepened, realizing the extent of y/n's pain. Without hesitation, he shifted his focus.

"Come on," Bucky urged gently, his voice filled with a mix of worry and reassurance. "Nat already whipped up a delicious breakfast for us. You need to eat."

Y/n nodded weakly, her struggle apparent as she attempted to rise from her position. It pained me to see her in such discomfort, my protective instincts kicking into high gear.

"I'll be right behind you," I reassured y/n, offering a supportive hand. Together, we made our way downstairs to join Bucky at the breakfast table.

The room felt heavy with unease as we sat together, trying to enjoy the morning meal. But it was clear that y/n's discomfort overshadowed any appetite she might have had.

"I can't eat anymore... my stomach hurts," y/n expressed, her voice filled with genuine pain.

I exchanged a concerned glance with Bucky, knowing that immediate action was necessary.

"Hey, you barely took four bites!" I commented, my voice reflecting my worry.

Y/n's voice wavered as she responded, her struggle evident. "I just can't... it hurts too much."

Realizing that this couldn't be ignored any longer, I turned to Bucky with a determined look in my eyes.

"Buck, we need to take y/n to Bruce," I stated firmly, my voice reflecting a sense of urgency.

Y/n's voice trembled, her uncertainty palpable. "Why...?"

I leaned closer to y/n, my voice gentle but filled with urgency. "Just for a quick check-up, y/n. We need to make sure you're okay."

Y/n hesitated for a moment, her expression mirroring her internal conflict. Eventually, she nodded, her eyes silently pleading for relief. Together, we guided y/n towards Bruce's lab, hoping that he would have answers for us.

As Bruce delivered the results, his tone filled with concern, a knot tightened in my stomach.

"So... y/n measures in at 5'5" and weighs 88 pounds," Bruce informed us, his voice betraying his worry.

Bucky's hopeful expression faltered, uncertainty etching itself onto his features.

"Is that good?" Bucky asked, searching for reassurance.

Bruce's solemn shake of the head shattered any glimmer of optimism, and I could feel the weight of the situation pressing down on me.

"What should we do?" I asked Bruce, my voice tinged with desperation.

Stucky's daughter 2Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang