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Bucky: "We'll work through this as a family. Y/n, I believe you can grow and learn from your mistakes."

Steve: "And what if she makes the same mistakes again?"

Bucky: "Then we'll help her through it again. That's what family does."

Their voices carried a mixture of concern, frustration, and love. Bucky's eyes were gentle, filled with understanding and empathy, while Steve's were tense and searching, struggling to find a balance between protecting me and letting me grow.

My head was pounding, and tears welled up in my eyes as the pain and stress overwhelmed me. It hurt to see them fighting, but deep down, I knew Bucky was right. I needed support, not constant condemnation.

Y/n: "Please, can we just stop fighting? I can't handle this right now."

Steve's frustration seemed to intensify, and his face showed a mix of irritation and disbelief.

Steve: "Oh yeah right! Just as it's not comfortable for you, you get a headache!"

Bucky immediately stepped in, his voice calming and caring.

Bucky: "Steve! Of course, sweetheart. Let's take a break from this discussion."

Steve's jaw tightened, but he finally acquiesced, and the argument momentarily ceased.

I retreated to my room, my steps heavy with exhaustion and emotional pain. The headache intensified with each passing second, and the voices outside my room only exacerbated it. I could still hear traces of their argument, the intensity and sadness lingering in the air.

Inside my room, Tony, who always had a cheerful demeanor, walked in to look after me. His usual smile was replaced by a concerned expression as he saw my tear-streaked face.

Tony: "Hey, kiddo. How are you holding up?"

Y/n: "I'm just... tired. Can't they see how much they're hurting me?"

Tony: "I think they're too caught up in their own feelings right now, Y/n. But I promise we'll find a way to make things better."

He tried to comfort me, but the throbbing in my head made it difficult to focus. I could still hear the muffled voices outside my room, Steve's frustration and Bucky's attempts to reason with him. It all felt like an endless cycle, and I longed for it to stop.

Y/n: "Can you please ask them to stop? I can't take this anymore." I pleaded with tears streaming down my face.

Tony: "I'll try, Y/n. Hang in there."

He got up and stepped outside, attempting to mediate the situation. His calming presence and level-headedness were a much-needed buffer between my dads.

~Buckys pov~

In our room, Steve's frustration was palpable as he walked into the bathroom, seemingly trying to cool off. I followed, concerned for him, and gently placed my hands on his hips.

As I looked at him through the mirror, I could see the turmoil in his eyes. My heart ached for him as I pressed a tender kiss on the back of his neck, trying to offer some comfort.

Bucky: "I'm sorry, sugar, for the fight... it's just-"

Steve: "She's our baby... I know."

His voice was filled with both sadness and love, and I could tell how deeply he cared for our daughter, even in the midst of our own disagreements.

This night we had a bit of fun if you know what I mean and in the morning as I was brushing my hair and steve kissing the back of my head y/n walked inside.

Stucky's daughter 2Where stories live. Discover now