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I wish things had gotten better after that night, but the tension between my dads, Steve and Bucky, only seemed to grow. While Bucky tried to be understanding and supportive, Steve couldn't accept it. I felt like a rope being pulled in opposite directions, caught in the middle of their conflict.

One evening, it all came to a head. I was sitting in the living room, trying to focus on the tv, when Steve and Bucky started arguing in the kitchen. Their voices were hushed, but the intensity was palpable.

Bucky: "Steve, you need to ease up on Y/n. She's going through a tough time, and she needs our love and support."

Steve: "Love and support, Bucky? She messed up big time! She needs to face the consequences of her actions."

Bucky: "Of course she need to, but she also needs to know that we're here for her, that we believe in her abilities to change."

Steve: "And what if she doesn't change? What if she keeps going down this path? Are you going to keep coddling her then?"

Bucky: "That's not fair, Steve. We can't give up on her! She's our child."

Steve: "Sometimes I think you care more about her than you do about me!"

Bucky: "That's not true! You know I love you both, but right now, Y/n needs us more than ever."

My heart sank as I heard the hurt in Steve's voice. I never wanted to be the cause of their fights, but it seemed like everything I did only pushed them further apart.

I got up from the couch and went to the kitchen, where their argument was escalating.

Y/n: "Dads, please stop fighting because of me. I don't want to be the reason you're unhappy."

Steve turned towards me, his eyes filled with frustration and sadness.

Steve: "Y/n, you need to understand that your actions have consequences, and we can't just ignore them."

Y/n: "I know, and I'm sorry for what I've done. I want to get better, I really do."

Bucky: "And we believe you can, sweetheart. We just want you to know that we're here to support you every step of the way."

Steve scoffed, unable to hide his displeasure.

Steve: "Support her...fine. But don't let her off the hook so easily, Bucky."

Bucky: "I'm not letting her off the hook. I'm trying to help her heal."

Steve: "Help her heal? Or make yourself feel better about being a better parent than I am?"

Bucky: "That's not what this is about, Steve. We need to be a team in this."

As the argument continued, the tension in the room seemed to grow, and I could feel a throbbing pain building in my head. I tried to ignore it at first, not wanting to draw any more attention to myself, but the migraine was becoming unbearable.

Y/n: "Guys, please, my head is killing me."

Steve: "Oh, now you suddenly have a headache? Convenient timing."

Bucky: "Steve, don't be like that. Y/n wouldn't fake something like this."

Y/n: "I'm not faking it, Dad. The stress and tension are just making it worse."

Steve: "You know, when I was your age, I didn't run away from my problems. I faced them head-on."

Y/n: "I'm not running away, but you both keep pushing and pulling me in different directions. It's overwhelming."

Bucky: "Y/n's right, Steve. We need to find a way to support her together."

Steve: "And what if she doesn't change, huh? What if this keeps happening?"

Y/n: "I want to change, but I can't do it on my own. I need your understanding and patience."

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