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~bucky pov~


I wanted to look after y/n so I went into her room but couldn't find her anywhere.

Bucky:„steve! Y/n isn't here!"

We started searching and after an hour we found her in the garden.

Bucky:„y/n! Are you insane?!'


Bucky:„go inside! Now!"

I saw that she was scared but I was worried, she ran upstairs and I changed into something comfortable.

~y/n pov~


I was scared cause Bucky shouted at me...I locked myself in my bathroom and started cutting myself...again!

I didn't want too!

After a few minutes I stopped and cleaned everything up.

Steve:„y/n come out!"

I opened the door and they walked inside.

Bucky:„why were you in the garden? We were worried!"

Y/n:„i felt better there!"

Bucky:„you could have told us!"

Y/n:„you would have said no!"

Bucky:„you don't know that!"

Steve:„stop arguing! Both of you! Y/n you are allowed to go into the garden but first you must tell us alright?'

I nodded and he stroked over my head.

Steve:„how is your migraine?"

Y/n:„better...it's gone to be honest...thanks!"

Steve:„no problem princess...you know I would do anything for you!"

Y/n:„of course!"

He hugged me and then we walked downstairs to eat breakfast.


Steve:„what's wrong honey?"

Y/n:„i...uhm oh nothing! Forget it!"

Steve:„ok...let me take a look at your ankles!"

I sat down on the couch and he put the bandages down.

Steve:„y/n...they are bleeding again!'

Y/n:„what? No!"


Y/n:„ok...im sorry i scratched them open!"

Steve:„you can't do this!"

Y/n:„im sorry!"

Steve:„you must stop with this shit!"

Y/n:„i promise..."

Stop with this shit...he doesn't even know the truth...

I walked upstairs and threw up.

After I finished I walked downstairs where my dad's were doing some paperwork.

Y/n:„what are you doing?"


Y/n:„ok...looks like I'm not wanted here!"

Bucky;„doll stop! We are just working now ok?"

Y/n:„yeah I got it...no time for me!"

Bucky:„y/n stop!'

Y/n:„what? It's the truth!"

Steve:„stop provoking!'

Y/n:„no fun..."

Steve:„go into your room!"

Y/n:„what? Why? No!"


Y/n:„ugh...you are so mean!"

I ran upstairs and locked myself in my room.


I pulled my pocket knife out and held it towards my ankle.

It didn't hurt...I didn't fell anything to be honest...and I just wanted to get the feeling back that I was worth it! And I didn't want to stay me...

Steve:„y/n could you open up? We need to talk...I'm sorry because of what happened earlier!"


Steve:„yes...it's true! We don't have time for you but as soon as we have it then we spend time with you! And we love you more than anything! Please don't forget that! You mean so so so much to us!"

The knife made another cut, and another.

Y/n:„thanks dad..."

Steve:„if you need something...I'm here!"


I fastly put everything away, walked out and hugged him.

Y/n:„im sorry that I was so...mean!"

Steve:„its ok! I understand that! It's completely fine!"


He nodded and we hugged.

Y/n:„tell Papa that I'm sorry..."

Steve:„tell him yourself princess..."

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