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I awoke to the solemn presence of my dads, their arms crossed as they tried to bury the events of the previous night. Confusion clouded my expression as I glanced down at the remnants of shattered trust scattered on the floor.

Steve's voice pierced the heavy silence, commanding my attention. "Y/n, pack a bag and come downstairs."

They walked away, leaving me there to grapple with a flood of uncertain thoughts. Would they abandon me? Return me to the system? My mind raced as I hastily packed my belongings.

Downstairs, both of them held bags of their own, their gazes meeting in a secret exchange I couldn't decipher beneath their disguises of glasses and caps.

Later as I sat in the car, my fingers gripping my dad's worn brown leather jacket tightly. Silent tears streamed down my face, but I refused to let my sobs escape. I couldn't bear the thought of burdening them further with my pain.

Steve was at the wheel, his focus fixed on the road ahead. Bucky sat beside him, his gaze distant as he stared out the window. The heaviness in the air was palpable, but neither of them spoke a word.

As we drove, I stole glances at my dads, careful to wipe away any evidence of my tears before they could notice. I didn't want to add to their worries or give them any reason to feel guilty. Instead, I plastered a smile on my face, hoping it would be enough to shield them from my turmoil.

Steve's grip tightened on the steering wheel, his knuckles turning white. Bucky's jaw clenched, his eyes narrowed in quiet contemplation. I knew they were aware that something was amiss, but I was determined to hide my pain, to protect them from the burden I carried.

The weight of their silence pressed upon me, each passing moment an unspoken reminder of the distance that had grown between us. I longed for them to reach out, to ask me what was wrong, but I couldn't bring myself to let them in. It felt safer to bear the weight of my emotions alone, to keep up the facade of strength.

The road stretched on, seemingly endless, mirroring the ache in my heart. I clung to the leather jacket, finding solace in its familiar touch. It was a reminder of the love we once shared, a love that felt distant and fragile in that moment.

As the miles ticked by, I battled the tears threatening to spill over, willing myself to remain composed. I couldn't let them see my pain, couldn't let them witness the cracks forming in the facade I so desperately maintained.

In the confines of the car, I yearned for connection, for the reassurance that they were still there for me. But for now, I kept my tears hidden, my sorrow veiled beneath a mask of strength. It was my way of protecting them, even as the silence between us grew more profound.

And so, I sat in the car, the weight of unspoken words hanging in the air, clutching onto the leather jacket for dear life. Hoping, against all odds, that they would understand, that they would reach out and bridge the gap that had grown between us.

Tears streamed down my face, and I struggled to stifle my sobs. "W-where are we going...?"

Steve's response was curt, his voice void of its usual warmth. "You will see."

Anxiety gnawed at my insides. I kept my gaze fixed on my shoes, but I could feel my dad's eyes on me through the rearview mirror.

Steve's voice cut through the tension. "Y/n, it's nothing you should worry about."

His words were hollow, failing to offer solace. Sleep eluded me as we drove, my mind filled with questions and uncertainty. I leaned against the window, my eyes shut tightly, only to be jolted awake by the sound of my dads' voices.

Bucky's voice broke the silence. "I think she's asleep..."

Steve's concern filled the air. "Really? Y/n?"

I remained silent, listening intently as they began to speak more openly, their voices tinged with sorrow.

Bucky's anguish was palpable. "How could she do this to herself?"

Steve's determination shone through his words. "We will help her get through it, just as we've always done."

Bucky's voice cracked with emotion. "But it's not just about Mia's death or the kidnapping. It's drugs and self-harm..."

Steve's voice wavered with regret. "Buck... I know, but we haven't been there enough for her, haven't shown her the love we used to. These past two years have been tough on all of us."

Bucky's voice trembled with remorse. "I know, but we've done so much for her. It's just hard to show love when she's engaged in things we never wanted for her. We thought we gave her a good home, took good care of her..."

Steve's voice pleaded for understanding. "Buck, don't dwell on what went wrong. None of us are to blame for what has happened. We can only try to help her, but she needs to want the change."

Their words resonated deep within me, stirring a glimmer of hope. I didn't want to continue living in this pain. I longed to rediscover happiness and make my dads proud. The walls between us needed to crumble, and I yearned for a fresh start, free from the constant turmoil that had consumed us.

The weight of our collective struggle settled heavily upon us, mingling with a mix of sorrow and longing. The journey ahead would be arduous, but I clung to the flicker of hope that perhaps, together, we could find a path toward healing and redemption.


Give me some ideas! Any kind I don't mind! Love y'all

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