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Nat:„alright and I wanna know the plan!'

She dragged us into her room and locked the door.


Nat:‚tell me! What is your plan?"

Bucky:‚its none of your business!'

Nat:„oh really? You think she hasn't been trough a lot?"

Steve:„you don't even know what we wanna do!'

Nat:„yeah but it's n-"

Steve:„we have no time for this!'

I grabbed after Bucky's arm and dragged him out.

Steve:„bucky we can't-"

Bucky:„steve stop talking about it or she will drag us into her room again! Let's just take a look at y/n and go to sleep ok?"

I nodded and we walked upstairs.

The days went by and y/n started feeling better...that's when Bucky and I decided to show y/n our „suprise"

Steve:„get ready y/n and sit down into the car..."

She went downstairs and before we took a backpack which was filled with her clothes Nat dragged us into the kitchen where everyone was waiting.

Nat:„what te fuck are you doing?!'

Steve:„nat stop-"

Nat:„no I won't stop! Cause you will ruin her life!"

Bucky;„oh please-"

Tony:„what is your stupid plan?'

Steve:„you will see when we come back!"

We ran downstairs and sat down into the car.

Y/n:„where are we going?"


We drove away and we over 10 hours so we slept in a hotel.

The next day we drove away early and drove another four hours.

It was far away from any bus or train station...and as we arrived we saw a white wooden house.

Y/n:„where are we?..."

Steve:„come here..."

~y/n pov~

I walked up to them and they knocked at the door.

Suddenly a lady opened the door and not even ten seconds later a man walked up to her too.

Lady:„you must be y/n! Im Mary and this is George!"

Y/n:„hi...yeah uhm dad what's going on?'

Bucky:„y/n you told us that...you wished we had never adopted you right?"

Y/n:„omg are you giving me up for adoption?!"

Bucky:„no hey ...relax! Your behaviour wasn't right and we just simply asked a couple if they could take care of you for a few weeks!"

Y/n:„no! No! No! Dad that's a joke!'

Steve:„y/n calm down! Ok? It's not as bad-"

I sat down into the car again but then I saw how George walked up to me, opened the car door and dragged me out.

Y/n:„let me go!"

I started kicking him but his grip got harder from time to time.

Mary;„y/n he was in the army!"

Y/n:„fuck off! Dad please! I'm sorry! I didn't mean it! I swear! Please... I wanna go home!'

They gave me my backpack and sat down into the car.

Y/n:„DAD! PAPA!"

I managed to get out of his grip and ran after my dad's car.

George ran after me and pushed me down to the floor.

I was trying to kick and bite him again but he slapped me and brought me inside.

Mary:„y/n I hope you calmed down...we wanna show you your room, tell you your rules and then take you to your new school!"

Y/n:„no this is a joke right?! Call my dad's now!"

Mary:„we always use please, thank you and sorry!"

Y/n:„sorry...could you call my dad's to pick me up please? Thank you!'

Mary;„no we are sorry! George show her, her room!'

Stucky's daughter 2Where stories live. Discover now