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I woke up at 6 am...well awkward I wasn't even tired...

I saw Bucky sleeping next to me.

Through the gaps in the blinds, a bit of light came into the room, which then shone on Bucky's body.

I could see his chest moving up and down regularly with his breathing which relieved me so I changed my clothes and went downstairs not knowing what i'm going to do and how I could talk to bucky today...

y/n was downstairs too but she slept on the couch.

Steve: "Hey Princess! why are you sleeping down here?"


steve:"why did you sleep down here?"

y/n:"I was afraid..."


She rubbed her eyes and shrugged her shoulders.

Steve:„it is six am wanna go to sleep?"

She nodded slightly and I helped her to get upstairs.

After I tugged her in I walked back into my room again, took my sketchbook and went downstairs to draw a little bit.

After I finished I was a bit tired so I walked back upstairs, but suddenly a voice called me downstairs.

Nat:„hey Steve!'

Steve;„hey Nat!"

Nat:„you ok?'

I nodded and hugged her.

Nat:„c'mon sit down with me!"

I sat down next to her and she gave me a coffee.

Steve:„the only thing I need right now! Thanks..."

She chuckled and I sighed.

Nat:„what's wrong?"

Steve;„bucky had a really bad nightmare...it wasn't like one of hydra...it was about me!"

Nat:„what exactly?"

Steve;„he won't tell me...the only think he always repeats is don't leave me please and sorry!"

Nat:„im sorry Rogers...but it will get better you know it! I know it! He knows it!"

I nodded and she stroked over my hair.

Steve:„im gonna look after him!"

She nodded and I walked upstairs to see the love of my life curled up in a ball, crying and whimpering.

Steve:„hey...look at me...shhhh..."

I kissed him and he calmed down a little bit.


Steve:„no need to be sorry..."

He never cried that much so I wiped the tears away and stroked over his hair.

Steve:„how can I help you love...?"

Bucky:„im in pain..."

He said whimpering and sobbing.

He was crying into my lap and I tried to calm him down.

Suddenly my phone buzzed and I saw that Natasha texted me.

Nat:„hey I walked over to Clint's room and heard Bucky crying everything ok?"

Steve;„yes...I'm sorry!'

Nat:„no need to be sorry...we can't hear him anymore! Just in the hallway!'

Steve:„I'm gonna suprise him!"


Steve;„just gonna drive somewhere, buy him ice cream or something..."

Nat:„have fun!"

Steve:„we will thanks!"

I looked down at Bucky who held me by my shirt shivering and crying.

Steve;„you need to calm down darling...for me...please!"

I pulled his face up and looked him into the eyes.

Steve:„so beautiful!"

Bucky:„don't go..."

Steve:„im not Sweetheart! C'mon get dressed! I have plans..."

He sniffled and I gave him my black hoodie and his jeans.

We sat down into the car and I drove away.

Bucky:„where are we going?..."

He asked whispering and sobbing.

Steve:„you will see!"

He nodded and I put my hand on his lap.

He flinched back but after a time he accepted it and put his hand on mine.

I drove to Brooklyn and stopped at our favourite restaurant...

It was a really old one!

actually from 1915 but they kept renovating it!

my mother always used to take us there.

she also took bucky with her because he always liked to eat ice cream after dinner.

I ordered myself a beer, Bucky a vodka and some food.

After he ate up he looked at me and asked murmuring:„can I have an ice...?"

Steve:„Why are you asking? Chocolate and caramel! Right?"

He nodded and I ordered it for him.

Stucky's daughter 2Where stories live. Discover now