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After that we went to sleep but got woken up by y/n at 4 am.

Y/n:„open the door...please?"

I unlocked the door and she ran into my arms.

Y/n:„don't lock the door...please?"

Bucky:„alright now calm down honey!"


Steve:„ we promise!'

After y/n felt asleep we put her into her room and went back to sleep.


~y/n pov~

6 am...so I had 18 hours before new year!

The next year would be definitely allot better!

I ran over to my dad's room to see them in the bathroom brushing their teeths and cuddling.

Y/n:„morning...wanna go downstairs?"


He spat out the toothpaste and walked downstairs with me.

Bucky came some minutes later and jumped up on Steve's back.

Steve:„don't be childish buck! Sit down and I will be there in a minute with breakfast.

He picked up alpine and sat down.


Steve:„what's up honey?"

Y/n:„can i help you?"

Steve:„no I don't think so but thank you!"

He put his first pancake on a plate and I fastly took it while running away.


He laughed and I sat back down giving the other half to papa.

Bucky:„so what will we do today?"


Steve chuckled and came some minutes later with the pancakes.

After we ate we started playing with alpine and then we went out for a walk.

It was still really cold and we ate something for lunch outdoor.

As we came back at 7 pm we started playing games and watching films again.

Twenty minutes before midnight tony called us outside and gave us all a glass of champagne well except me, Peter and Morgan.

Tony:„so I don't wanna hold a long speech but I hope the next year will be allot better!"

Suddenly there were fireworks!

I never saw them outside and right Infront of me cause my dad's didn't want too so I watched them from my window.

Dad suddenly let his glass fall down to the floor and pressed himself against the wall.


He slid down the wall and got tears while holding his ears.

Steve:„stop it! Stop!'


I squat down Infront of him and hugged him tightly.

He had this once as I was little and we watched the firework cause I wanted too.

Y/n:„daddy? Look at me..."

He looked up with tears and I helped him up with Bucky.

His pulse was so high...I felt it as I grabbed after his wrist to help him up.

I pulled him into a hug and he pressed his head into papas shoulder.

Bucky:„baby you must calm down...please...it's over! y/n please go and tell tony to stop this!"

I ran out and they stopped it immediately.

~steve pov ~

My heart was aching.

Bucky put me upstairs and grabbed after my hands which I was pressing against my ears.

Bucky;„its ok...it's ok Steve..."

I couldn't breath normally and started crying so he pulled me into our bed and pressed my head against his chest.

Bucky:„its ok baby...it's ok!'

Suddenly someone wanted to open the door.

Y/n:„dad? Open up...you promised not to lock yourself in here..."

Bucky:„y/n not now..."

I started crying loudly and sobbed into his chest.

His metal arm started rubbing my back while the other wiped my tears away.

He started shushing me and after a while I calmed down.

Stucky's daughter 2Where stories live. Discover now