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Bucky's voice rang out sharply, causing a knot of anxiety to tighten in my chest. "Y/n, we need to talk right now!"

I swallowed hard, my heart sinking as I anticipated the difficult conversation ahead. "I know, but Dad-"

Steve's eyes scanned me with a mixture of concern and disappointment. "Look at her, she looks absolutely dreadful! Y/n, how could you do this to yourself? I've been noticing your weight loss over the past few days, and now it all makes sense!"

Tears welled up in my eyes as their anger intensified. "Dad, please, you have to believe me! I never wanted to hurt you, never! I would never do anything to intentionally cause you pain!"

Bucky's voice dripped with skepticism. "Oh, really?"

I bit my trembling lip, struggling to find the right words. "I didn't know what else to do... I felt so alone, like nobody was there for me..."

Suddenly, a surge of pain coursed through me as Bucky's hand made contact with my cheek, leaving a stinging mark. His voice seethed with anger. "No one was there for you? No one? We've given you everything since the day we adopted you!"

"I... I didn't mean to..." I stammered, desperately trying to defend myself. But before I could finish, Steve's strong grip closed around my arm, forcefully leading me upstairs.

"Alright, let's see what you've been hiding from us!" Steve's voice was filled with a mixture of frustration and concern.

Bucky's eyes burned with a mix of disappointment and worry. "Show us, y/n, before we find it ourselves!"

"No! I... I have nothing to hide!" I sobbed loudly, but my pleas fell on deaf ears. They pushed me aside and began rummaging through the bathroom, searching for something, anything that might confirm their suspicions.

As they reached for a towel, a knife slipped out and clattered to the floor. Their gazes locked onto it, and as their eyes shifted, they caught sight of the bloodstains. The realization hit them like a punch to the gut.

"You're still doing it?" Bucky's voice cracked with a mix of anger and heartbreak.

"N-no... No, I'm not!" I cried, my voice quivering with fear and desperation.

"Don't you dare lie to us!" Steve's voice was laced with frustration and concern.

Bucky's voice trembled as he spoke. "Arms and ankles, now!"

"Papa, please..." I begged, my voice a desperate plea, tears streaming down my face.

"Arms and ankles! Now!" Bucky's command was firm and unwavering, leaving me with no choice but to take a few steps back in fear.

Before I knew it, my dad's strong hands closed around me, forcibly rolling up my sleeves to reveal the evidence of my pain. Fresh cuts marred my skin, a visible testament to my struggles.

"Y/n... why didn't you talk to us earlier if you were going through something like this?" Steve's voice softened with a mixture of sorrow and regret.

"I... I'm sorry!" I choked out between sobs, my entire body trembling with shame and guilt.

The room fell silent, engulfed in a heavy atmosphere of shattered trust and unspoken pain. The truth was out in the open now, forcing us to confront the depths of my hidden turmoil and the consequences of my silence.

Y/n's voice trembled as I desperately pleaded with them, my words laced with a plea for empathy. "Can't you try to be more understanding...?"

Bucky's eyes blazed with anger, his frustration boiling over. "You want us to be more understanding?! More understanding?!"

In a fit of rage, he swung his arm, sending the lamp on my bedside table crashing to the floor. Shards of glass scattered across the room, reflecting the shattered state of our relationship.

"I'll be damned if I don't try to understand, but you need to tell me what the hell is wrong with you!" Bucky's voice cracked with a mix of anger and desperation, the weight of the situation bearing down on him.

Steve's voice, filled with concern, interrupted the escalating tension. "Buck..."

My dad released his grip on me, the tightness of his hold slowly loosening. He turned away and stormed out of the room, with Papa following closely behind.

Left alone in the aftermath of the chaos, I couldn't help but feel a mix of despair and longing. The shattered lamp served as a stark reminder of the broken trust between us, and the urgent need for understanding and healing lingered heavily in the air.


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