Chapter 2

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The Bridgerton's girls are all together in Daphne's room. Daphne's maids helping her out of her exquisite dress worn to the castle.

"You absolutely sparkled, sister!" The youngest compliments. Daphne glances at her younger sister with a modest look, "Come now, I merely simpered and minced in a pretty dress like everyone else." Daphne says.

"Not exactly like everyone else." The second youngest corrects. Eloise gets up from her position, as she had been reading Lady Whistledown. "I shall need to go and visit with Penelope. Her presentation was anything but... what was it the queen called you and Delilah again-"

"Flawless." Daphne begins in a dreamy tone, "Or some such. And she said Delilah floated like a feather. Trust I was astonished Her Majesty offered me, one of two hundred young ladies present, a most gracious remark." She ranted.

Eloise rolls her eyes looking at her sister, "Yes, it was quite a distinction. And now two hundred young ladies have a common adversary. I wish you luck, sister." Eloise finishes. Daphne sulks silently but quickly picks her mood back up after Eloise's remark.

"Eloise.." The second youngest begins. But, Eloise looks at her with a wide expression. "What, it is true. One flies too close to the sun, and-" But Daphne cuts her off. "I thank you for your concern, Eloise. But perhaps you might go visit with Penelope now?" She forces.

"Well I thought the morning was perfect. Now Daphne and Delilah will have their choice of handsome suitors." Their youngest sister raved. The second youngest looked over to her and had a playful glare on her face, "What would you know of handsome suitors?" She asked.

Daphne went over to her youngest sister however, placing a hand on her youngest sister. "The morning did not only belong to me, Hyacinth." Daphne said.

"Two hundred tiny little daggers pointed at her back-" Eloise began. Then once again, a lighter voice came into the room.

"Her success on the marriage mart influences all of your prospects. Hyacinth may still have many years to go, but... there are others present who will need to make matches in - oh what is it - say, a year's time, Eloise?" Delilah came gliding in in a beautiful silver day gown.

"Delilah!" All the girls chorused in excitement. Daphne giggles and goes to loop her arm through Delilah's as she continues to speak to Eloise.

"We will all need to find love. One day. Indeed, a love as pure yours and mine dear mama and papa once shared, if we are so fortunate." She pauses. "I merely hope that I can hold my family together." She draws off.

 "Maybe I can ask Anthony to help you? He would be able to help your family, and you could spend time together!" Delilah's face erupts into a blush at Daphne's statement. "It's okay really. And I wouldn't want to impose on his time. It's fine Daphne, I promise." Daphne gives her a worried glance, but Delilah dismisses it.

As if on cue, The Bridgerton's girl's mother enters the room. "Your dresses have arrived!" The two younger girls minus Eloise hurry over to see them. Daphne pulls Delilah back,

"What has been happening at home Delilah? If you need help with something please, don't hesitate to ask." Daphne pleaded. Delilah gave her a small smile, bringing her hands into her own.

"Daphne, it is nothing really. Mothers health is declining and no one is left to do the taxes. I have been cooped up in fathers old studies since I am the only heir. It is of no concern though, I quite enjoy being able to learn what men are taught to do." She finishes. Daphne gives her a worried look.

"Please come off it Daphne, if I needed help I wouldn't waste time to ask. I can handle as much as a man can, I promise." Daphne nods, and hesitantly walks over to the other room with the others to see the dresses

Daphne's mood quickly picks up though seeing the dress. "Oh, this one looks ravishing." She compliments. She holds it up for Delilah to see, and she nods in approval. "Mary Edgecomb wore a similar shade last season-" Violet begins, "And secured three offers the next day. One from an Earl." Delilah bursts out.

The girls giggle looking through the different dresses. All except Eloise.

"Mary Edgecomb, now the Countess of Fulton, apparently spent last year living in a cottage hundreds of miles away from her Earl. She is miserable." Eloise complains. Everyone in the room looks at her, but she holds up what she had been reading, "It says it all here."

"Do not tell me that is yet another scandal sheet. Eloise." Her mother scolds. But, Eloise rolls her eyes dismissing it. "This one is different. This one lists subjects by name. In full." She explains.

Hyacinth reaches for the paper now. "Let me see!" She prods. But their sister has already grabbed it. "Lady Whistledown..." She reads the title. Daphne looks over at her sister with curiosity, "Lady Whistledown?" She asks.

Eloise nods, "The author." Delilah comes around and takes the paper from their sister, "Francesca please, do we even know a Lady Whistledown?" She asks. Francesca looks to Delilah, "Surely Lady Whistledown cannot be her true name.." She mentions.

Delilah scans over the paper, reading intently for a moment. "What does it say, dearest?" Violet asks.

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