Chapter 7

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Delilah was sitting in the Silvester Study when the door opened. She had only really had one visitor these days. And she was certainly content with her visitor. Anthony Bridgerton was keeping his promise to her that he made. He kept her health in check and forced her to stop working. Of course, Deilah wasn't fully relying on him though.

Over the course of days, she had grown to realize when she needed sleep or food. Having the Bridgerton family as a new support helped her a lot. Her mothers health was as good as it could be these days, and she was living on whatever time was left with her.

"Hello Delilah, how are you today?" Anthony asked as he came in. "Oh very well. Everything is easier to manage now, thank you, by the way." She replied. Anthony came to sit in one of two chairs located on the opposite side of the desk. "For what? We haven't done much." He asks.

Delilah laughed softly, dropping her quill and turning fully to Anthony. "No, no of course not. You have only made my life so much easier. For me and mama." She explains. "And for that, to you and your family, thank you."

Anthony's eyes turned soft. He knew for a while that what he felt for Delilah was not friendship. It was not what he felt when he looked at his sisters or friends. It was different. Delilah was more beautiful than anyone in a room he walked into. She always stood out. Her silvery eyes and dark brown hair. Her fair skin yet pink lips. It was all there. He liked her, more than a friend, he liked her.

"Yes, well it is the least that my family can do. That I can do for you." Anthony thanked. Delilah felt herself blush. Anthony and her were closer, they were always near each other. His arm wrapped around her waist, or her hand enclosed in his.

"Well, might we go for lunch. I am just finishing up here anyways." Delilah offered. Anthony nodded his head and stood up offering his arm out. "Miss. Silvester." Delilah giggled and walked up, threading her hand through his arm. "Lord Bridgerton."


Ambitious mamas, rejoice! For the new Duke of Hastings continues to grace our fair city with his presence. And oh, what an impressive presence it is. It should be noted that the Duke has been overheard announcing to mamas everywhere that he has no plans of EVER marrying.

"Good god, Hastings. Three?" Anthony asked, shocked towards the Duke. "Should it have been four?" He asked not at all fazed by the shock. "If it were, I certainly would not expect to see you here, alive." Anthony comments.

The two laugh. The Duke looks around the gentlemen's club. Many drinking, chatting, and gambling. He takes a sip of his drink and turns back to Anthony who is rather sprawled out on the seat.

"I do suppose, if it were not for an overzealous mother at every corner, this time of year in the city would not be so dreadful." The Duke laughs. Anthony shakes his head however. "Those mothers want the same as you, I rather think." He argues.

"For every last one of them to choke on their daughters' hair ribbons?" The Duke asks. Anthony chuckles but shakes his head, "For you to claim a wife, Hastings. Are you truly not planning to take your place in society? When you have a Dukedom?" Anthony asks.

The Duke shakes his head, "I have a title. Which, as far as i'm concerned, will end with me." He establishes firmly.

"Hastings-" But Anthony is cut off. "Would you stop. Calling me that. It was my fathers name. Never mine." He argues. Anthony eyes him for a moment, but nods his head taking another sip of his drink.

"In any case, what of you?" The Duke asks. "What of me?" Anthony says.

"You are the firstborn Bridgerton of a firstborn Bridgerton nine times over. Where is your wife?" The Duke starts to ask. "Is your plan to bed her forever? Your mistress?" He continues. "Or have you left her because of your new found feelings for a certain Delilah Silvester."

Anthony groans, he looks over to someone and signals for another drink. The Duke goes on, "You shall need to sire an heir."

"I am in possession of something you are not...brothers. And Delilah is not your concern. I have left the singer though. She no longer appeals to me. But how do you know Delilah's name?" He asks the duke.

The Duke smiles, "You will pass the task on to one of them? Delilah must be quite the lady.". Anthony sighs and downs his drink. "You have no idea, how do you know her though?" He asks again.

"Our mothers were friends, only children, and she was one of the only people I was friends with. I doubt she remembers me though, she has grown into a woman though."

Anthony nods and the men sit in silence for a moment. "You shall not outrun them. The eager mothers of this town. The harder you try to avoid them, the harder they will try to find you. I would be willing to bet on it.." Anthony speaks.

His friend only sighs, downing his drink as well. He knows Anthony is right.


It has reached my ears that the betting books at White's propose the most fascinating of pairings this season. If one is to trust these accounts, despite the fact they are all written by men, then Mister Colin Bridgerton shall be awarded the year's grand prize when he sweeps Miss Thompson from her pretty little slippered feet.

In other news, a most peculiar suitor for Miss Daphne Bridgerton has emerged. Though this miss cannot possibly believe that the town idiot will be able to reverse her rather dire circumstances, can she?

Daphne stands at the window with Delilah beside her. "It's okay Daph. We'll find someone much better then-" She pauses as Violet enters the room. "Daphne. Your caller..." Daphne and Delilah turn to see a rigged, ugly, old man. "Nigel Berbrooke." Delilah finishes sending him a cold glare.

He isn't fazed though, he looks giddily at Daphne, "Will it be just the two of us? Yet again?" He pats the seat next to him. Delilah sighs at Daphne's distraught expression. But she walks over to Lord Berbrooke anyway.

Delilah turns to Violet as Daphne waits out what Delilah would like to think of as 'cruel torment'. She brings Violet to the side and whispers into her ear.

 "I can't stand Daphne being like this, stuck to man whose teeth are more yellow than that of Penelope Featherington's dresses. I'm going to talk to Anthony. I will make him see reason, if not, then he will at least start to doubt his actions." She looks at Violets shocked eyes, nods her head and walks out of the house. 

Tomorrow, Anthony will let Daphne control her own social season.


Hello everyone! Quick little authors note,

It has been a very slow updating process because of not only writing it, but finding where to stop and editing along the way. I also am balancing writing this book with my Sherlock fanfic (By the way, you should go read it). But thank you for all the support, it gives me great joy when I look at all the votes that come through.

Anyway, have a great day. Hope you enjoyed the chapter.


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