Chapter 11

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The two girls walk out into the gardens. "Whatever are you doing?" A voice calls. Lord Berbrooke. Delilah spins around and steps in front of Daphne. This man would never touch her best friend.

"Nigel. Not now." Daphne speaks from behind Delilah. "Nigel? Are we to drop the honorifics so soon? I suppose as your husband-"

Delilah cuts him off angrily. "-You will never be her husband. She will never marry you. Her brother...Anthony, he has made a mistake." She says firmly. Nigel steps forward threantliy. Delilah keeps Daphne behind her.

"Do you think yourself better than me?" He asks. "" Delilah speaks. Daphne hurriedly turns and runs the opposite way. Nigel watches and then turns in anger to Delilah.

"It would be best for you to leave." Delilah speaks. This only angers him more though. "You should be thanking me. She should be thanking me. I was her last hope. Besides, no one wants you, Miss. Silvester." He then grabs her arm.

"Let go of me!" She screams out. She struggles and then throws a punch hitting him square in the jaw. He knocks out and crumples to the ground with a loud 'oof'. Then she looks up to see the duke. She panics.

"Your Grace. I had no intention.." He looks down at Nigel. "Of knocking the climp fat out? I must say I am impressed." He walks over. Delilah looks at the Duke for a moment. "What are you doing out here?"

He looks up at Delilah, "Avoiding certain...people." He says. "People?" She asks. He nods. They lock eye contact, and then start to laugh. "Oh Simon, you never did grow up." He looks up at her, "You didn't either, you just became more beautiful." She smiles and walks over giving him a hug.

"I thought I would never see you again." She says. The Duke looks down at her, hugging her back. "My deepest apologies, Lily."

"Delilah?" A voice peaks out. Delilah removes herself from the Duke and looks at Daphne. "He's an old friend. We grew up together." She looks between the two who hold an intense gaze. "I shall excuse myself now." She walks out of the gardens. Anthony rushes over to her quickly.

"Delilah, I-" But she holds up her hand. "You should not apologize to me. You should, however, apologize to your sister. But, you will. So let's enjoy our night." She threads her arm through his and leads him through to the crowd.

They approach Violet and Anthony whispers something. But Delilah's eyes are focused on the Duke and Daphne walking out together. They head to the center of the dance floor and begin to waltz. "They are beautiful together." Delilah comments. Anthony just stares.

For those not in attendance to the Vauxhall celebration, you missed out on the most remarkable coup of the season.

Men begin to stare. Mothers talk furiously. Violet beams, and Delilah daydreams of her and Anthony being in that moment.

It appears the Miss. Daphne Bridgerton has captured the interest of the newly returned Duke of Hastings. Perhaps she is the seasons most precious gem - incomparable and unbreakable after all.

Anthony glares harshly at the Duke. And, his sister. His arm sneaks around Delilah's waist and tightly grips it.

Of course, how Miss. Bridgerton secured her newfound suitor is yet to be determined. Yet if anyone shall reveal the circumstances of this match, dear reader, it is I. Yours truly.

Lady Whistledown.

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