Chapter 8

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The next day Deilah mounts her horse at the Bridgerton house, a peaceful evening ride imagined in her mind. Mounting her horse, she settles nicely on her sattle, when a voice comes around the corner. "Delilah?" She looks over to Anthonys brown eyes.

"Yes?" She asks, looking down at him. "Where are you going?" He asks. She giggles and looks down at her chosen horse. "A ride in the park, would you like to join me?" Anthony nods his head, a small smile on his face. He runs in and mounts his own horse riding out of the stables on his own steed.

The two ride through the park, many different couples and families about the area. Delilah's thoughts wondered. She had many things she wanted to say to Anthony. But she thought about a more prominent thought. Anthony's control over Daphne's social season. Lord Berbrooke was a hideous man, and she shouldn't have to court him. She should court somebody handsome and young.

"I presume news of Daphne and Nigel Berbrookes courtship has found its way back to you." She begins. Anthony glances over to her, confusion and other emotions swell in his eyes. "I read as much in this scandal sheet taking Mayfair by storm." He pauses and lowers his head a bit.

"Lord Berbrooke may be...persistent. But he is harmless. No one pays him any mind, Delilah. I certainly do not. Neither should you. Neither should Daphne, either. There will be others." He says. Delilah gives him a quick glare. "Lady Whistledown has but declared Daphne unintelligible. Worthy of the affection of a detestable simpleton and no one else. Tell me...What others would ever want such damaged goods now?"

Antony rolls his eyes. "You speak as if Lady Whistledown were to be held in higher regard than Her Majesty the Queen herself. You give far too much credit to some anonymous scribbler. These musings...they are not true."

Delilah knows he is right. But that doesn't mean the whole of the Ton is convinced. To everyone else, Lady Whistledown has managed writing equal to scripture read on Sundays. So technically, everything that had been written about Daphne, was in a sense, true.

"Only they are true, Anthony. And they are true because of you. You have managed to scare away every worthy suitor for Daphne. And me as well, for the matter. Whistledown merely reported it." She turned her head to face him. "She had hoped to find a love match." She then said more softly.

"It is all she ever wanted. She had hoped to marry, her very first season, so that your other sisters would not have to devote themselves to such an overwhelming task."

"And she still can-" Anthony tried to reason. "Not if you continue to ruin all of Daphne's chances." Delilah finished.

"I am looking out for her. I am protecting her. It is my duty." Anthony argued. Delilah was now angry. She was angry with the fact that her best friend now had no hopes of ever falling in love with a young, handsome, polite man.

"And what of her duty? You are not the only one with responsibilities in the family." She stopped her horse, Anthony, quickly to follow.

"You have no idea what it is to be a woman. What it feels like to have one's entire life reduced to a single moment. This is all we have been raised for. This is all we are. We have no other value. If she is unable to find a husband...if I am unable to find a husband. We shall be worthless. If she is unable to find someone to love her...she shall feel useless. You have rendered her useless to society." Delilah finished.

"Daphne...she is a Bridgerton." Anthony then again argued. Delilah looked at him in shock. He was still making excuses to justify every action he had made thus far.

"It would be easier if she were not." Delilah stated. Anthony was now in shock, "How can you say such a thing?"

Delilah smiled tightly.

"The fact that she is a Bridgerton is now the very reason why nobody wants her. All eyes have been on her, her entire life. Everyone has been waiting for Daphne, the perfect Bridgerton bride, to make her debut. And what did she end up proving to them? Only that she is nothing more than an encumbrance. A young lady tethered to much trouble indeed." She paused, taking a breath.

"That makes her no perfect bride. That makes her no perfect diamond. That merely makes her exactly what Lady Whistledown says she is: a counterfeit."

Anthony pursed his lips and tilted his head down. Delilah couldn't tell what he was thinking. Until he spoke up on a different subject, one she wished to avoid. "And what of you? You mentioned you wanted a love match. But yet, you show no interest in any caller."

Delilah sighed, he was right. But she couldn't tell him. How do you tell the man you've had feelings for that you've had feelings for a while?  "I-" She paused, how did she go about this? Did she lie and make up a random name? Did she make herself appear to love a caller, but then lie to herself?

"I have an interest in a man. But, he has not called upon me yet. I expect him to do it soon however." Anthony's eyes widened. "And who is this suitor?" He asked. Delilah chuckled. "I shall not tell you. I don't need you to ruin my chances as you are doing to Daphne." She turned to him with a smile. They both blushed, but neither realized. They both like each other, they just don't see it.

Delilah turned again and started to move forwards. "I must be getting home however, the Opera is tonight, and mama will be wanting to see me before I go."

Anthony nodded his head. But paused, "Delilah, let us pick you up. Be our guest for the evening. If you would like to, that is?" He looked up with hopeful eyes. This new suitor, the caller that had not called upon her yet. He was going to figure out who it was. But for now, he was going to spend every moment he could with her. Maybe even convince her to be his. Just maybe.

She looked around at the park for a moment but then reconnected their eyes. "Of course, i'll be waiting."

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